Rehoming pet rabbit in Tokyo?

Hi all.

I’m in a bit of a predicament. A bit of backstory: I used to live in Tokyo for a few years but moved back to Melbourne, Australia a year ago (with my Japanese husband). We got a pet rabbit while we were living together here but didn’t realise that we couldn’t bring her into Australia (as Australia has extremely strict import laws). Therefore, we got my husband’s friend to look after her when we were in Australia and trying to decide whether we want to base ourselves there permanently or return to Japan.
After living in Australia for a year and a bit now, we think it would be best for us to stay in Australia rather than return to Japan. As such, we need to rehome her because our friend can’t look after her anymore (and neither can anyone in my husband’s family).
I was wondering if anyone could recommend the best way to do this (or if they know of anyone who is a huge bunny lover and is looking to possibly add another bunny to their household?) Ideally, we’d love her to go to a bunny loving home and possibly be able to bond with another rabbit.
I’m aware of Mina’s animal sanctuary in Chiba… but just trying to explore all options.
Our pet bunny is Tofu, she’s three years old and super loving and affectionate. She was like a best friend to me. Toilet trained (doesn’t leave poops anywhere) and loves to snuggle.

I should mention that I’m currently in Tokyo for two weeks.

Thank you.

  1. What about contacting a rabbit specialty shop or your local vet to see if they have a client who would take her in?

  2. Mina at Mina’s animal sanctuary (in Chiba) may be able to take the rabbit or point you in the right direction.

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