Receiving benefits after leaving japan.

I have an injury and i’m thinking about leaving Japan and return to my own country to do it.

That means I need to leave my current Job in Japan.

I’m wondering are there any kinds of benefits (unemployment or sickness or others) that I can receive?

For unemployment – it seems like I need to go to Hello Work and provide proof of job hunting? Does it apply to abroad?

For sickness benefits, it seems like I need a doctor’s note every month? Can I receive the benefits being abroad?

  1. Does *any* nation pay disability/worker’s comp to non citizens who leave the country and go home?

  2. No. Only registered residents of Japan are entitled to state provided residency based social/welfare systems.

    Employment insurance/Hello work is paid based on the premise that you’re physically in Japan (as a registered resident too) and actively job hunting. So even if you’ve paid into employment insurance for Xyears, that doesn’t mean you’re entitled to claim it should you decide to cease residency (remove yourself from the resident register) and leave Japan.

    The only exception, being national/employee pension annuities which can be paid out in retirement anywhere in the world, and to those not on the resident register.

    I guess it’s possible for those who reside in countryX working remotely, as an employee for an employer domiciled to Japan and are thus forced enrolled into Shakai Hoken without being a registered resident of japan can probably utilize the health insurance (Kosei Kenko Hoken) related benefit’s though whilst still employed. So in theory if you remain employed with your employer, even as a non-resident of japan, you could maybe use the “illness leave” where you get ~66% of your average income from the 4 consecutive day off… but I am not 100% certain of that

  3. No if you are leaving Japan, no and no. Take a moment to consider the ludicrousness of your question. I don’t think a country that provides unemployment benefits to non-residents exists.

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