Engineering Visa renewal

Been working here in Japan for the past 8 years as an Engineer. For the first 2 years I was given 1 year visa validity then after that a two 3 years validity. Last year I became a permanent employee with the same company I\`ve been working for the past years. I renewed my visa last month and I received it today with only 1 year validity. Wondering how the Japan Immigration decides the length of VISA validity. Does anyone experience the same as my case?

  1. Okay Taro -san, today is your turn to throw the dart.
    Let see, who application do we have here.
    Ah..soo..BananaMan-san desu ne..
    Taro-san jyunbi OK?  sei no .. woo zannen desu ne. ichi datta.

    BananaMan no koushin ichinen desu. Nekkusu。。。

  2. lol, my friend just moved here for the first time, his company requested 2 years, on the landing permission sticker they crossed it out and wrote 5 for some reason, and now he has 5 on his zairyu card. so random

  3. Jokes aside, the person who reviewed your case decided 1 year was appropriate for whatever reason.

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