F%#@king Nenkin Net!

So I just got my login info through the post a couple of weeks ago. Logged in fine using that, got the info I needed, and logged off. No worries.

Today, I come to login again, because I need further information. Now I am prompted for a secret question/answer. Herein lies the problem. At no point was I invited nor prompted to select these questions and answers. Why on earth is it prompting me for them?!

So of course, I cannot login. I have had to request the answer to my secret question via post (which takes, you guessed it, 5 fucking days)… but I really don’t know what to expect here. How can they give me the answer to a question that I never answered in the first place?!

Anyone else come across this particular situation?!

  1. Are you 100% certain you didn’t set up a secret question/answer?

    I remember when I set up my account in my first year in Japan (it was before I even got a MyNumber card). So I had to do the userID and password route, and it vividly remember setting up the secret question and password.

    So I know for first hand experience for the userID and password account setup it asks you. Not sure about the process for setting up the account with MyNumber cards though.

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