In search of hospital for filling in health certificate form.

I am currently living in Tokyo and in need of a hospital that is willing to fill in a health certificate form for me. I am going to be an exchange student soon and for my application the Japanese university wants me to have a health checkup and fill in a health certificate. I have contacted some hospitals and some couldnt help me or did not want to help me because I am a foreigner (though I know some Japanese, I am not really that good yet). Does someone know a hospital/health clinic that is foreigner friendly and can help me fill in a general health certificate form? Thanks in advance.

  1. Is your university possibly asking for a kenkou shindan (健康診断)? You don’t get those at hospitals but at specialized clinics.

    I’ve used UnMed Clinic Motomachi in the past, the doctor there speaks English and was pleasant. If you try searching for kenkou shindan I’m sure you can find plenty of clinics near you.

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