Will be working remotely abroad, how long can I stay out of Japan?

Due to family emergency, i have to go to my hometown this month. I am aware that we have to fill out Re entry form upon departure as I will be returning back within 1 years.
I will still be working remotely though from my home country. I am in engineer/humanities visa and it expires on 2026.

But my concern is, I am planning to apply for PR next year as soon as I ticked the requirement for “living in Japan for 10 consecutive years (5 years working).”
So how long can I stay outside Japan so that it doesnt affect my future PR application.

Since I will be working remotely (Japanese company) and will be paying regular tax, pension insurance ( it gets deducted from salary) , the contributuin still remains same.

  1. That would be up to immigration to decide on a case by case basis when you apply since there is no hard guidelines posted online, but generally, it would be best to not spend more than 180 days out of the country, although exceptions due apply if you can explain yourself why to immigration

  2. You will need to maintain your juminhyo (which means maintaining a registered address). Removing yourself from the basic resident register by filing moving out of Japan paper work at your city office will instantly cease your consecutive residency.

    As for physical presence in Japan there are No official guidelines, likely because it’s case by case. And if the guidelines were official it would eliminate people with justifiable reason for having to be out Japan (such as sent overseas beyond their own choice by their employer)

    But physical presence is still vital, because otherwise someone could come to Japan on a visa, register a resident on the basic resident register (to get a juminhyo) and then spend 99% of the year physically out of Japan, for 10 years, and then get PR.

    This site recommends:


    回につき3ヶ月以上の出国 1年間の合計で、180日以上の出国

    いずれかに該当する場合は日本に継続して滞在されていないと判断され、 審査に影響する可能性があります。 ただ、出国日数が多くなった理由をしっかりと説明することで、許可となるケースもあります。出国日数が多い方は是非一度ご相談ください。


    So ideally don’t spend more than 3 months (90 days) out of Japan in one trip. And don’t spend more than 6 months (180 days) out of Japan total in a year.

    Also if it’s a family emergency such as sick parent, then get as much proof as you can just in case immigration question why you were physically out of Japan for so long on your PR application.

  3. I can’t say for sure, because I’m still waiting for the result. But Immigration knows I went out of the country for just under a year and they haven’t rejected my PR yet. I’ll try and remember to message you once I do get the result.

    (I still had an address here, got paid here and kept up with all responsibilities like pension).

  4. Naturalization officer told me to not stay out for more than a month. But that’s citizenship, not PR

  5. Have you had an attorney working with you on the PR application? If so, I strongly recommend you asking him/her.

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