wondering if this was a cult..

A man in a suit approached me near asakusa and gave me a brochure with a tropical beach on the front and on the back some text about the meaning of life and how life was created. I heard there are a lot of cults in Japan so Im wondering if this was one? Do they usually look to rip people off?

  1. Did the Mt Fuji cult pull a Johnny’s and change their name?

    All religions/cults exist to grift people, expand their influence, and suppress other religions and cults.

  2. I’m genuinely curious what you’d see as definitive proof of representing a cult if not this.

  3. No, a stranger aproached me, an obvious foreigner in an oft frequented tourist neighborhood, with printed media in the year 2023 just last week to discuss eternal youth and the role of adrenochrome. This is just an ancient and respectful Japanese cultural practice.

  4. There’s a lot of cults in Japan. Apparently Jesus is entombed on the top of some hill here and there aliens disguised as regular people walking around unnoticed.

    But if you want to see real crazy, wait till local election time of the year and read those flyers they stuff in your mailbox with all the candidates profiles on them.

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