Paperwork to bring to Japan

Hey all,

I have started organising my paperwork, deciding what to pack with me or leave at my parents’. Quick question: what official documents would you recommend taking to Japan? For example, I have my degree/Master’s certificates but I doubt I would need to take those with me would I? I have scans of them. Has anyone got any experience of what they would recommend bringing with me and leaving at home? It would be much appreciated 🙂

  1. One thing to consider is granting health/medical power of attorney to someone (if you are on good terms with them of course).

    This can allow them, in worst case scenarios, to make medical decisions if you are incapable of doing so due to illness or accident.

  2. Don’t bring originals of your degrees, or super important documents like your birth certificate. Photocopies are fine if you really need them.

    If you’re driving, you’ll need some original documents like your driver’s license and other things. Check one of the many JET wikis for those.

  3. If you’re married bring a copy of your marriage certificate incase city hall needs a copy.

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