[Japan Times] Former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe dies after being shot in Nara

[Japan Times] Former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe dies after being shot in Nara


  1. What an appalling tragedy. Whether you supported him or not, this was an attack against Japanese democracy and the rule of law. My heart breaks for Akie, his wife, and his family. Rest In Peace.

  2. More on this subject from other reputable sources:

    – NHK (B): [Top Stories | NHK WORLD-JAPAN News](https://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/news/)
    – Associated Press (A): [Japan ex-leader Shinzo Abe apparently shot, in heart failure](https://apnews.com/article/elections-japan-shinzo-abe-22ec2248d92304deb9cc46b2142402d2)
    – BBC News (A): [Shinzo Abe: The legacy of Japan’s longest serving PM](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-53938094)
    – PBS (A): [Shinzo Abe, former Prime Minister of Japan, reportedly shot during campaign speech](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/world/shinzo-abe-former-prime-minister-of-japan-shot-during-campaign-speech)

    [__Extended Summary__](https://www.reddit.com/r/newswall/comments/vu14c9/) | [More: Top Stories | NHK …](https://www.newswall.org/story/japanese-former-prime-minister-abe-has-died-nhk) | [FAQ & Grades](https://www.reddit.com/r/newswall/comments/uxgfm5/faq_newswall_bot/) | I’m a bot

  3. I don’t know if this is the place but I’m angry at how a random nutjob can walk up to the former prime minister of Japan and shoot him at such close range. Hindsight is 20/20 but it’s just so unthinkable that something like this could happen.

  4. Agree with him or not, a terrible way to go, esp considering how few gun related deaths occur.

  5. Even if you disagree with someone, killing him will sort it out? Only if that person had thought through, could’ve voted him out in election if he didn’t like him, that’s why elections are for. Now he will rot in prison or worse. Did it solve the problem? Did it solve his dissatisfaction?

  6. his bodyguards reacted poorly. the first shot did not hit the former PM. they could have tackled the shooter before the second shot.

    btw, his grandfather who was also a japan PM decades ago survived an assassination attempt

  7. Very very very sad… this never should of happened in the way it did, security should create a safe buffer zone between the former PM and the area around where he is standing , very poor from a security perspective , there are many deranged people out there and no matter how bad a politician may be or whatever he has done to make you do what you did, you do not ever take away the life of someone else , this is the biggest crime of humanity. Mr Shinzo’s legacy is way more far reaching than his passing .

  8. I never cared for most of his political views and policies. But man, I genuinely feel heartbroken over this. No one deserves to die like that, no one deserves to lose a family member or friend like that. The people in the crowd are going to have to live with that imagery for the rest of their lives. And Japan will have to grieve, recover, and respond to this unspeakable crime.

  9. Hate when someone who is pretty much a scumbag gets eulogized by people who aren’t from that country or don’t even know what he did.But because of the manner that person died their shiz gets revisionized real quick.

  10. I never thought he deserved a quiet easy retirement but I don’t think he deserved death either…

  11. This is such sad news. I hope they find out how this happened and get justice for him. Rest in Peace

  12. I surprised myself by crying over the news. Being isolated here in Japan,’not able to see family back home, this tragedy has deeply shattered the world that we know and torn it to pieces. I grieve for Abe, and don’t think the world would get better.

  13. Man this is so unfortunate may his soul rest in peace also the murderer should be punished accordingly so that none would have the guts again to do the same.

  14. While I disagree with Mr. Abe’s political positions, I find it tragic that he was killed by a cowardly murderer.
    My concern is that Abe’s death may have reinforced his political agenda. Tomorrow, Japan will hold an important election regarding whether or not to revise the constitution. Those sympathetic to the late Mr. Abe may vote for right-wing candidates.

  15. Stop blaming the security people here, who don’t have (or usually need, or even want people with) the mindset of a US soldier. Here in Japan, there is usually zero danger from the people walking around these politicians making speeches. Security is based upon expectations.

    In the USA, you would expect a lot of people to have weapons and violent intentions. Not so, here. The political extremists number far less than 1%, compared to ~40% of the USA’s adults being willing to use violence to solve political issues.

    EDIT: ROFL, that’s right; immediately downvote what you can’t comprehend: typical Redditors. I was a US Federal officer for a decade, then I worked both armed and unarmed private security. I’ve been in numerous security details like this for VIPs in a much-more-armed society than Japan.

    Bet you haven’t. But this is Reddit: you’re welcome to lie, as always.

  16. My heart, thoughts, and prayers go to the country of Japan during this difflucit time.

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