Bear Attacks on People Hit Record High in Japan

Bear Attacks on People Hit Record High in Japan

  1. Surely it’s something about summer being too hot, they ran out of food and they’re coming down from the mountains to scavenge? it can’t be a good sign, can it…

  2. I can’t help but think about Pedobear attacking women, it was pretty famous meme 10 years ago…

    Sorry, the topic is serious but my mind is just twisted

  3. Man, I can barely bear these news articles…

    Jokes aside, it is also funny to see how people unrelated to the issue are saying how “killing bears is bad” from the realms of Twitter.

  4. This time of year is always a bit worse due to bears trying to put on as much fat as possible before hibernation, but when its been a bad season for their food sources it’s extra dangerous. Always need to be vigilant and practice good bear awareness, and at the very least carry bear spray if you’ll be in their home ranges. So tragic when there is a loss of life.

  5. If it’s brown, lay down. If it’s black, fight back. If it’s white, good night. I learned this from Reddit.

  6. There have been 180 attacks, but just five fatalities. What’s going on there, people running away? Is the definition of attack here not like the bear tried to bite my head off, but more like the bear impeded on my space or came close to me?

  7. It’s also worth noting that in my area we’ve seen a huge number of cubs surviving. Usually a mom only has one or two but we’re seeing three or four with some of our moms. And some of them are younger than we’d normally anticipate. Which is interesting.

    I’ve been wondering if this has also fed into the sheer frequency and volume of sightings, as there has been an overpopulation of them in my area this year.

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