Application advice, qualifications, resume building

Alright so. Sorry if any of this has been asked before but I’ve looked around before positing.

-I’m looking at English teaching positions. I’m a 27 year old female, I have a bachelor’s in Psychology with a minor in English. U.S., all education in English. I was president of phi theta kappa, honor grad, etc. I currently have a year of elementary childcare experience, several years of babysitting, and 2 1/2 years as a full-time college tutor who specializes in English, while also tutoring all other general education subjects. I want to move in 2025 which means I would have almost 4 years of tutoring experience at that time. I can read hiragana and mostly katakana and got books and resources to work on Kanji. My Japanese is at a basic level, almost conversational, but I am practicing every day and hope to be nearly business level by 2025.

-I applied to several positions just to see if I’d get any word back, but I haven’t so far. Am I too far behind the competition without a masters or more experience? Does this seem like decent enough experience/a good resume for those that have landed jobs in English teaching? Do I need TESOL?

-(I can’t use all programs because I will be bringing a pet). ((I have gone over the entry requirements for this and know what I need to do.))

-Lastly, can you guys provide any specific tips for a cover letter and/or resume that I might be missing, over looking, or doing wrong? What do they look for the most on them and what usually loses you points the most? I am applying through gaijinpot and using their resume template. Should I try and use a custom one instead, or does that one work fine for jobs posted on the site? I’ve seen some people say they look for marital status and number of children and things like that but there’s not a section for that on gaijinpot so I don’t know if it’s “required” or just recommended.


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  1. This is a copy of your post for archive/search purposes.

    **Application advice, qualifications, resume building**

    Alright so. Sorry if any of this has been asked before but I’ve looked around before positing.

    -I’m a 27 year old female, I have a bachelor’s in Psychology with a minor in English. U.S., all education in English. I was president of phi theta kappa, honor grad, etc. I currently have a year of elementary childcare experience, several years of babysitting, and 2 1/2 years as a full-time college tutor who specializes in English, while also tutoring all other general education subjects. I want to move in 2025 which means I would have almost 4 years of tutoring experience at that time. I can read hiragana and mostly katakana and got books and resources to work on Kanji. My Japanese is at a basic level, almost conversational, but I am practicing every day and hope to be nearly business level by 2025.

    -I applied to several positions just to see if I’d get any word back, but I haven’t so far. Am I too far behind the competition without a masters or more experience? Does this seem like decent enough experience/a good resume for those that have landed jobs in English teaching? Do I need TESOL?

    -(I can’t use all programs because I will be bringing a pet). ((I have gone over the entry requirements for this and know what I need to do.))

    -Lastly, can you guys provide any specific tips for a cover letter and/or resume that I might be missing, over looking, or doing wrong? What do they look for the most on them and what usually loses you points the most? I am applying through gaijinpot and using their resume template. Should I try and use a custom one instead, or does that one work fine for jobs posted on the site? I’ve seen some people say they look for marital status and number of children and things like that but there’s not a section for that on gaijinpot so I don’t know if it’s “required” or just recommended.


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