Those that took the BJT, how did you study/prepare for it?

(Business Japanese Test)

It’s been a while since I passed the N1 and I’ve been in the mood to take another Japanese language test. For those that have taken it, what material (books, websites, apps) did you use? It seems there isn’t as much as the JLPT.

Also any advice for the test?

Appreciate it!

  1. I just went in with N1 to see how it goes. I got the 2nd best grade and I remember it being more difficult than N1, mostly due to the number of obscure terms that were presented to me if I recall right.

    If you see yourself comfortably speaking inside a business ambience and you can read a newspaper without much issue, I think just jumping in while taking a look at past tests to see what sort of stuff they ask for should be enough.

    On a personal note, I have never been asked about having such certification despite it being on my resume, but I guess it “looks good” when you have a foreigner apply with both the N1 and a certification names “Business Japanese Test.”

  2. I tried it a few months ago. I’m more N2ish level. Did it mainly as the prep was a great way to build up more business related vocabulary, and set sentences.

    For prep I just went thru the official books. But I didn’t have an objective in mind, did it just to gauge my current level and try to set an objective for 3 months later.

    What’s great about this test is you can take it anytime and you get the results right away, contrary to JLPT.

  3. Just went and took the test. I did look at a practice test, but it’s more practical than the JLPT. Got the highest level on my first try and put it on my resume, seemed to make employers happy.

  4. I’ve been using わかるビジネス日本語 by Ask Publishing as an intro to BJT material. I highly recommend books by Ask

  5. The hardest part of the test is deciphering the JPEGs from 1997 they decided to keep all over the test

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