Want to hold a small reception at a restaurant/venue in Tokyo, looking for advice.

So my SO and I are planning to get married and due to time/monetary constraints instead of doing a wedding we just want to do a small reception for our close friends.

I was wondering if anyone knows of any service or if they have any tips for organizing and event like this. I’m currently searching for restaurants and other stuff but it’s a little bit complicated as I am abroad for most of the remaining year and my SO is not based in Tokyo neither.

Any advice is welcome, thanks!

  1. I went to a lovely birthday party here- https://www.cocoti.net/shops/347cafe/ – the downstairs was reserved for the party (upstairs was open to regular customers). There was a food buffet and free bar (not sure if the venue catered the food or if was from outside, but they were geared up for it).

    Might be too big for what you need, but was a nice spot for a celebration that seems open to being supportive of events.

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