Soba sashimi

A wide variety of Japanese soba noodles. Eat it like sashimi with wasabi.

  1. Interesting…not sure why it would be called sashimi however 🤔

    But I’m down with different shapes since it lends to different textures.

  2. Maybe learn the names of things, instead of just tossing fancy words around, to sound sophisticated

  3. – So **刺身**(Sashimi) means raw fish, which most people think of as **寿司**(Sushi). Which actually means vinegar treated rice, which commonly comes with a slice of fish.
    – This being **蕎麦**(Japanese buckwheat), from which you can end up with **蕎麦切り**(soba, Japanese buckwheat noodles) is neither fish or raw. There is no need to confuse the issue based on the use of Wasabi, wasabi is used with a wide range of food, even steak.

    But the Soba in your picture look very tasty, so thank you, now I’ve decided what to eat for dinner.


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