Daily Thread: simple questions, comments that don’t need their own posts, and first time posters go here (November 03, 2023)

This thread is for all simple questions, beginner questions, and comments that don’t need their own post.

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[Seven Day Archive](https://www.reddit.com/r/LearnJapanese/search?q=Daily+thread%3A&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=new&t=week) of previous threads. Consider browsing the previous day or two for unanswered questions.

  1. Hi! I happened to stumble upon the word 馳せる(はせる) today. [Jisho.org](https://Jisho.org) said that the definition was “to run; to hurry (when going somewhere)”. How does this differ from 走る(はしる)? I tried searching “hashiru vs haseru” but got no results. Thanks!

    Edit: The context where I saw 馳せる was in the lyrics of the song 月を見ていた that happened to be written as an example of casual form of speaking in my lecture slides for my Japanese class. “思い馳せるあなたの姿”

  2. Hi guys, I was texting a user online and a certain point he answered:


    What kind of nuance does the final 〜れ imply?

  3. > 少年探偵さん、どうだったね、ゆうべの寝ごこちは。ハハハ……、おや、窓になんだか黒いひもがぶらさがっているじゃないか。ははあ、用意のなわばしごというやつだね。感心、感心、きみは、じつに考えぶかい子どもだねえ。だが、その窓の鉄棒は、きみの力じゃはずせまい。

    What is せまい?

    Context: The kid detective was locked in the cellar by the bad guy. The bad guy found his rope ladder and is mocking him.

    I think it’s something like,

    “Kid detective, how’s it going (sarcastic)? Did you sleep well (sarcastic). Hahaha, oho, at the window some kind of (f’n) black chord is hanging? Haha, you’re a guy who prepared a rope ladder. Admirable, admirable, a truly deep thinking kid. But, the window’s iron bars, your kid strength [??? something about being too wimpy???]”

  4. 気にする you’re thinking about it and you don’t like it

    気になる you’re thinking about it, might like it or maybe not

    気に入る you like it

    how do I keep these straight is there a trick

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