I lived in Japan about a decade ago for about a year. Since then I’ve done well for myself in the music industry and have been signed to a major. Over the course of the last decade I’ve grown so tired of the my country and feel the need to return. Are there visas for artists?

Title speaks for itself. I have a decent amount of experience with Japan life in general. I worked there as an engineer for a year, I have worked with Japanese artists once I switched to music full time. I just visited last week and felt no desire to return to the US. My royalties are paid in USD or EUR and its insane how much farther money goes there compared to Los Angeles. I just don’t know what the application is like as someone in my position.

I know Japan isn’t all sunshine and rainbows, but it is the only other country I know well enough to consider becoming an expat. It helps that I have a support network there as well since my sister in law was born there and still has family there.

  1. This is a copy of your post for archive/search purposes.

    **I lived in Japan about a decade ago for about a year. Since then I’ve done well for myself in the music industry and have been signed to a major. Over the course of the last decade I’ve grown so tired of the my country and feel the need to return. Are there visas for artists?**

    Title speaks for itself. I have a decent amount of experience with Japan life in general. I worked there as an engineer for a year, I have worked with Japanese artists once I switched to music full time. I just visited last week and felt no desire to return to the US. My royalties are paid in USD or EUR and its insane how much farther money goes there compared to Los Angeles. I just don’t know what the application is like as someone in my position.

    I know Japan isn’t all sunshine and rainbows, but it is the only other country I know well enough to consider becoming an expat. It helps that I have a support network there as well since my sister in law was born there and still has family there.

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  2. 1. Most “artists” make they money from teaching rather than art and thereby don’t qualify.
    2. Most working artists who really DO make their money from art are here on other visas (spouse being the main one).
    3. Depending on the business side of how you handle things, labels and the like, you probably want to talk to a local entertainment lawyer (and maybe an immigration one too.)

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