What do you all think of Marian International School in Kyoto and Shiga? Any other good schools?

Hey everyone,

I currently live in Taiwan where I’ve taught English, Kindergarten and cram school, for over 5 years. I’ll be moving to Japan next summer and I’m looking at some jobs teaching in Kyoto or Shiga. My wife recommended that I apply to teach at [Marian International School](https://www.mkids-is.com/) which she says is really nice.

I done as much research into the school, even checking these subreddits, but I found almost no information or discussion (other than their own website) about it so I’m hoping someone here can give me some insight to the school. For example, if you work or worked here previously what was your experience like? Would you go back? Why did you leave? Any problems in particular?

Since I have a daughter too I’d like for her to attend their so if you can, can you tell me how you’d feel about your own kids going there?

Thanks in advance and look forward to hearing your answers.

inb4: I know the salary isn’t as high compared to Taiwan

  1. Not a real international school. One of the hundreds here in Japan that is a pre-school with “International” slapped on the name.

    I came from Taiwan as well. It’s as you said, salary doesn’t go as far. Sadness.

  2. If none of the teachers have grad degrees in education, TESOL, or anything related to teaching, then this is not an international school and is not accredited as one.

    That is likely why the salary is low.

    Personally, I would not send my child to a school that does not have accreditation – so this makes me wonder if the parents sending their kids here don’t know, don’t care, or if the school is outright lying to them, which is not uncommon.

    One thing you can do is call the school and, as a parent and not an applicant, ask them about the school’s accreditation and the teacher’s qualifications. If it sounds like a school you would not want your child attending, then that should tell you all you need to know.

  3. Honestly, if your child would get in for free, it might be worth taking the job

  4. The boss is a real bitch and you’ll be forced to work longer hours for no benefit other than the glory of her lazy ass company. This is just a private school that has used the buzz word ‘international’ to try and scam parents who are too dumb to hold on to their money. My excoworker used to work there. It’s basically run in the eikawia style but it’s a germ filled kindergarten with all the negatives of all three systems. Don’t bother.

  5. First of all, thank you to those who earnestly answered my questions by giving some useful advice and tips. It’s helped me a lot in making my decision to apply or not.
    But I’d also like to ask why am I being downvoted for proposing this question? Isn’t this a subreddit to discuss teaching in Japan, I’d guess so by the name /r/teachinginjapan but it seems that asking questions about working in schools, i.e. teaching, in the country that is named “Japan”, isn’t an appropriate subject??
    I can’t ask this question in other subreddits as it isn’t about visas, moving to, or life in Japan. It’s specifically about TEACHING IN JAPAN!! I know not everyone is like this but come on! What’s the deal?! Are some of you that jaded and stuck-up?

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