I lost my bicycle’s key!!!

I lost a key of my bicycle, I have another one so currently I’ve no problem but I don’t wanna take risk. I want to keep another key. So if I take my registration papers to the shop where I bought it, will they give me another one? And how much will it cost?
Thanks in advance

  1. We had to do this for our youngest about 3-4 years ago, so hopefully you’ll be able to get a spare faster. Back then it took almost 2 months & 800 Â¥ (from the bicycle shop).

  2. I managed to lose my keys so took a hacksaw to the lock which was a super soft metal and cut through like butter! Then went to a bike shop and got a new one fitted.

    The staff were very helpful and helped pick one that would fit with my bikes frame layout which saved me wasting money by not paying attention.

  3. Don’t you just want a key cutter? They’re everywhere, and I suspect that’s where the bike shop would point you anyway.

  4. When I was in the same situation, I just brought my bicycle to the shop I bought it (*Asahi*) and showed it to them. They checked the ~~model number~~ serial number of the lock and they ordered a spare key. took 2 weeks and 700 yen. I went prepared with a receipt, but they didn’t even check it.

  5. The key to your lock is most likely stamped with the combination code which should be enough to make a new key.

    I’m not sure about the logistics though

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