[Still] Waiting for placements

Congrats on getting your placements! 💙💛

Just wondering if there are still countries or consulates that haven’t released results (not referring to recent upgrades because you might really get your placements late compared to shortlisted participants from your country).

Based on posts last week, I think US, AU, NZ, and Canada got their placements already. Did I miss any?

Note: I know this won’t change anything or speed up placement results. I’m just curious and would like to pass the time with this post.

Ps. Good luck on your preps for JET! 💙💛

EDIT: A few hours after posting this, we got our placements! (Filipino JET here)

  1. Even within countries, the consulates release information independently of the others. I know only some Canadian consulates got placements but others are still waiting 🙁

  2. I got my placement much later than others in my cohort. About 1 month. Maybe a little less than that. It can be a little bit difficult waiting for the notification, but rest assured, you’ll get your placement soon enough. Congrats on making it in and enjoy Japan.

  3. I’m from Melbourne consulate, Australia and haven’t received my official placement email yet. Others from Melbourne have though. There’s two of us (that are active on the discord) that haven’t received our placement in Melbourne. I got an email from my coordinator to say they contacted CLAIR and my placement is coming on 31st May. So hopefully only another few days’ wait🙏

  4. Scotland is still waiting 😭 they released the rest of the UK and even tweeted that the UK was done…but yeah 😭

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