Is it ok to ask normal clinic for STD test?

Or am I supposed to do this at a specific place? I’m just looking in general as a precaution and don’t want to want to waste time of local doctor if this is something they dont do.

I already have a file/card at this clinic. Its where I go if I’m not feeling well(like the flu for example).

I just want to pee in a cup without them thinking I am some crazy gaijin for asking. Not an emergency or anything.

  1. It’s sensible to ask your usual doctor about this kind of thing. They’ll be able to suggest a more suited place if needed.

  2. I’m a woman and I didn’t have a great experience getting standard STD tests at the OBGYN I happened to visit. The doctor was a real jerk and tried to talk me out of getting tested, even though it was a service they provide. But I’m assuming that was just my luck at one particular place near me

  3. What’s a “normal” clinic? I don’t think naika will do an STD test for you. You can check 性病外来 near you.

  4. Some local governments offer free tests. They may be at awkward times like only 10am on a Thursday, though.

  5. If you’re willing to shell out money and not use your health insurance (cause this clinic doesn’t take it) then private care clinic in Shinjuku is your best bet. I always use them and they have all sorts of packages at set prices. They’re very helpful and some staff speak English. Just look them up and they should pop up on google.

  6. If you are not currently experiencing symptoms of an infection your insurance will not cover the testing. So be prepared for it to cost a fair bit or develop one or more of the symptoms. Also expect HIV not to be covered.

  7. Lots of people visit those girls that stand around advertising themselves I’m sure the doctor has seen whatever you have a million times

  8. Just last month I got the full panel for free at the Shinjuku Tax office, I think they only offer it twice a month and it’s first come, first serve for the first 10 people only. If you come just a few minutes before opening you’ll get a spot for sure.

  9. Even if the clinic cant do it they can probably write a reference for you to a bigger hospital.

  10. I want to do this also, just to be sure. I searched, and for people who has no symptoms the test is more expensive 🥲

    I get the concern, you are at risk in public bathrooms, public transportation, what if an insect passes through your clothes in the closet, there are public cases of people that got chronic STD from the parents, from accidents, from bad sterilized equipment in hospitals, beauty clinics, etc and a lot just discovered some disease when they were already dying.

    There are so many possibilities and I have many thoughts about it but any symptoms that indicate something, so more expensive for me.

  11. This is generally the sort of test that you can easily get done at a urologist (泌尿器科). I checked my local urologist and they do them.

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