Taking bicycle between osaka and tokyo on trains

Is it possible?

  1. Yes, this is well documented. It must be disassembled, folded, and in a bag, not a garbage bag but a rinko bukuro. Please search “rinko bukuro.”

  2. Yes but you’ll need to take apart your bike(remove one or both wheels) and get a bicycle bag.

    On local trains you generally want to stand at the very front or back of the train and avoid peak hours.

    If you’re taking the shinkansen I think you may need to reserve a luggage spot for it.

  3. I take my bike on the train often. As others have said, you need to pack it in a bag. I’ve seen people try to bring their folding bikes on trains without a bag and they get stopped and surrounded by staff.

    Regular local trains: You can often get away with not disassembling your bike at all if your bag is big enough to cover the entire bike. Front wheel disassembled is recommended. Go to the very front or back of the train and try to get the space right up against the conductor/ driver wall. As an alternative if the train is really empty, you could try use the space for wheelchairs, but you MUST MOVE if someone gets on who needs the space.

    Express trains: Remove at least your front wheel. you can use the space in the galley as long as it doesn’t obstruct people from moving through the train. You will have to stand up at every stop and ensure that your bike is not blocking any doors. Did this last week on the Azusa and three of us had our bikes there.

    Or, if you book the very back seat of one of the train cars, your fully disassembled bike should fit behind the seat.

    Shinkansen: I’ve taken my bike on it dozens of times. Book the back-most seat of a train car on the side with 3 seats and a bike with front wheel disassembled will fit perfectly. However, if others in those seats also want to use the baggage area directly behind the seat, you’ll have to fully disassemble or stand the bike up on one the wheel and use the reclined seat to hold it in place. If you are willing to stand the whole way, you can use the galley and move the bike as needed, but cannot leave it unattended there.

    Rule number one: Don’t be a dick. Your bike does not get priority over other passengers and their comfort.

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