Mercari Novice Questions

Hey everyone. I have no experience selling stuff on Mercari or even online in general so I’m hoping some of you can help me out with some general questions.

1) If I wanted to ship some boots (still in the box), would I have to go to a convenient store for anything, or can I just call Yamato to schedule a pickup? How does that all work? The bigger shoe box is about 42x33x13 cm if that helps

2) Does it have to be in any kind of specific packaging? Would it be a no-no to reuse an Amazon package? (Sorry if that’s a silly question)

3) Other than a bank transfer and Mercari points, are there any other ways to receive payment?

Thanks in advance

  1. You can call them to pick up, but there’s a fee, i think like Â¥200

    Any packaging is okay. It’s cheaper to ship if you use the Mercari boxes, but boots wouldn’t fit anyway. Nobody will care if you use Amazon packaging.

  2. Caveat: I’ve never sold on mercari but I do buy things.

    Regarding #2, you can ship it in whatever you like. I’ve received things in plastic shopping bags taped up. So for example, if you have the original shoebox, you could cover it in any old plastic bag, tape it up and put the shipping labels on top.

    However, if you are shipping shoes without the box, make sure to include it in your listing because some buyers don’t like that.

  3. 2. No. It can even be cardboard boxes slapped together with tape as long as it’s within the size.

    3. No. You can use mercari’s qr code payment system メルペイ for stores that support it.   For example convenience stores, groceries etc.

  4. I only use conbini for shipping, but any packaging should work. Most people seem to used recycled materials.

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