Flipping someone off

Does anyone know the legality of this in Japan? I was on my motorbike on the motorway (高速道路) and some kid cut me up causing me to emergency brake and I lost my cool and flipped him one, then immediately regretted it because I don’t need the hassle of a ticket or fine. Anything to worry about?

  1. lol. I find it hard anyone would think it’s illegal. Dangerous, yes. Someone in the US might shoot you or kick your ass, but would it be illegal anywhere in the world??

  2. There’s a specific thread that gets posted everyday for questions like this if you didn’t know but you’ll be fine

  3. It’s perfectly legal to flip off cops in the states (although I don’t advise it)

    You have nothing to worry about here.

    As long as you dont make physical contact with someone you are okay.

  4. I’ve flipped off a few taxi drivers in my days driving around Tokyo. If they’ve done something ridiculously dangerous or aggressive it’s probably the best way to convey my disgust as honking the horn ropes in surrounding people and drivers.

    Judging by the fits of rage it seemingly sends the incompetent taxi drivers into, giving someone the middle finger appears to translate well. I also have drive cam in case something escalates or needs to be flagged to the police.

    Dangerous driving should be pointed out and those that do it held accountable. The middle finger lets them know they’ve been tagged better than any other way I’ve found. Judging by how little police seem to care about traffic violations in front of their own koban, I highly doubt submitting camera footage would actually come to anything.

  5. nope, flip away.

    I got flipped by a 60ish local last month. He was in a BMW so had maybe seen it a few times.

  6. They’d probably think, “why is that silly gaijin doing that? Does he have something wrong with his hand, or something?”

  7. I literally flip drivers off every day. I cycle 200km a week through Tokyo and there is a neverending amount of dickheads driving. I also shout at them and in a couple of cases I have punched their windows after nearly killing me. The most that ever happens is that they themselves give me the finger.

  8. I’d be in jail for life of flipping somebody off were illegal here. I’ve probably done it like 10 times.

  9. Your photo/info will be posted in the Koban for 15 days. After that they usually take them down and you should be safe to get outside again, unless there is a cop who has a good memory.

  10. Thumbs down, maybe with a little head shake too, would be better understood and not as confrontative.

  11. I’ve almost never seen any Japanese people using the bird, so I’m not even sure they would know the meaning.

    The only times I’ve seen it is when J-Rock band members do it, but they’re like doing it to look cool instead of flipping someone off, so I don’t think they understand the true meaning either.

  12. As long as you’re not driving unsafely, it’s not illegal.

    The closest thing to legal liability that I know of is a case back in the early 2000s where a judge ruled that a person who’d been assaulted was partially responsible for instigating the fight, as he’d first flipped the assaulter off.

    I believe the flipper (both parties were Japanese) had tried to argue the finger had no insulting meaning in Japanese culture, but the judge decided it was well known enough as a hostile gesture that the flipper shouldn’t be surprised when it gets him a punch in the face.

  13. I just give bad drivers a thumbs down instead, it feels slightly less aggressive and has the added meeting of being the Yakuza sign for when they want someone offed…!

  14. I came here because I read about this case on the news this morning. seems there’s a nationwide manhunt for you OP. what you did is punishable by the death sentence by the way. you may wanna leave the country while you still can!

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