Finlay fans (me, I’m the fans) browsing this sub the day after they ate GOOD at Wrestle Kingdom:

Finlay fans (me, I’m the fans) browsing this sub the day after they ate GOOD at Wrestle Kingdom:

Finlay fans (me, I’m the fans) browsing this sub the day after they ate GOOD at Wrestle Kingdom:
byu/DawnOfLegion1 innjpw

  1. Rebel chads **RISE UP**

    We’re gonna powerbomb all the haters until Red Shoes calls for a stoppage

  2. I really hope Finlay not only wins but pins Moxley so we can all witness a legendary temper tantrum from AEW fans. It would also set up Finlay vs. Ospreay at New Beginning for Ospreay’s send off, which would be perfect to establish Finlay as the top heel in the company.

  3. I’m just hoping he wins so I can stop worrying about him being Naito’s first challenger

  4. I think he should pin ospreay, it gives him more credibility. Or he can pin both just to be disrespectful.

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