How do I use GitHub? (absolute beginner)

I would like to use JPDB deck scraper on github to export my decks from to Anki.
I would like to know how to get started on GitHub to improve my Japanese. I literally have 0 idea of what to really do. Can someone teach me how to use GitHub for Japanese?

I appreciate all the help. Thanks

  1. GitHub is a version control platform for software, it has nothing to do with japanese, you can download japanese related software there, but Github is no japanese learning platform, its used for all kind of software.

  2. As others mentioned, the project has been abandoned. It has some Releases here (the latest is from May 8, 2021): [](

    From what I can tell, you can download the JPDBDeckScraper.exe file and try running it. There don’t appear to be any particular special instructions. If that doesn’t work, you’re basically out of luck, unless you’re a programmer who knows visual basic.

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