Home Omakase

Home Omakase

Home Omakase
byu/kawi-bawi-bo insushi

  1. CameraWoman didn’t have sushi during her pregnancy, she requested home omakase (homakase?) for her first sushi meal

  2. always enjoy your videos.

    this looks absolutely fantastic and now i require sushi this weekend.

  3. This looks incredible.

    Apropos of Salmon and Hotate; have you tried pairing them either with Yuzu condiments? I can highly recommend yuzu kosho, yuzu shoyu, or yuzu salt as great complements to the flavor profile of both.

    And congratulations to your Camerawoman and yourself!

  4. Thanks for your consistent quality content, we always appreciate it 🙂

    I know you go to Costco for salmon and ahi, but where did you source your more exotic stuff here?

  5. My goodness. I’m headed for bed but my mouth is watering. I’m going to have sushi dreams.

  6. Hey your back! I still need to meet up with you to make sushi. We can do to Osaka Market to grab everything

  7. How do you get a nice thick cut of salmon like that? Whenever I’m at the grocery store the salmon is usually way too thin

  8. Love your videos! My diet is like 60%+ costco farm raised atlantic salmon sashimi at this point. No regrets! I’m saving thousands per year and living like a king. Thank You!!

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