Patching a big hole in wall.

I accidentally damaged a wall while moving furniture, it’s like at least 15 cm long and it’s got some plaster of paris kind of material that broke. I’m wondering if this can be fixed DIY or how much I’ll have to pay to the rental agency.Thank you!

  1. It’s not hard to fix the wall, but replicating the texture of the wallpaper is more troublesome.

    A few pieces of wood into the hole, screwed to the wall surrounding the hole. This is the support for the piece of wood/gypsum you cut out for the hole. Then plaster and sand it down a few rounds.
    Then find matching wallpaper or try to fake the look with the existing wall.

    If you don’t already own the tools and materials, then it’s probably more trouble than it’s worth.

  2. Honestly just tell them. That wall is made of a very light and shitty material and is not expensive to have fixed. If you choose to fix it yourself however and say nothing and it’s noticeable (wallpaper mismatch, uneven) you will get stung for that upon leaving and you’ll have double the cost.

  3. Yeah you can but easier to just pay the cost. Size isn’t pain, getting matching wall paper is the pain (has to be exactly the same and you have to apply it perfectly or it will look bad). Likely the landlord has some extra. Wont be as expensive as you think to fix. Skilled labor should be done in 30 minutes probably a flat Â¥8000-10,000 cost to them, probably will mark up double for you so not the worst thing in the world. Materials and tools to do it right would cost you about the same anyway and would likely not look as good.

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