How can I learn more?

I take japanese class in school and I very much like the language but I feel like I am beginning to have a hard time remembering and using everything. Along with that, I am going to japan this summer and want to learn everything I need before then to have an enriching experience. What’s the best way to learn what I need for class? Are there youtube channels, podcasts, apps, or websites you recommend?

  1. It depends on your level. Do you need content “about Japanese” or “in Japanese”. That’s the main differentiating factor. Some like “Miku Real Japanese” have both. Kaname Naito is pretty new and doesn’t cover the basics, but at least at first speaks in English. Other commenters may know more about Japanese for beginners (like JapanesePod 101). For content “about Japanese”, you can find it pretty easily on YouTube.

    I’m personally at the stage where I’m into actual Japanese content. Anime is good for that, depending on how much of a beginner you are, and subtitles in English are fine if you are still more of a beginner, but try to recognize words. Below are some harder podcasts and such that are in Japanese but are still for learners.

    Podcast List

    Easy Japanese:



    Miku Real Japanese

    Tomoko Tomoko (easier and with English mixed in)

    日本語の森 (more with teaching, but also skits and vlogs)

    Let’s Talk in Japanese podcast

    AmaoJapan podcast

    Learn Japanese with Noriko podcast

    (Remove “m.” from the links if you are not on a phone.)

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