Need Recommendations/Suggestions for Travel – Landing on 27 Jan 2024 at Narita and LEaving from Tokyo on 3 Feb 2024

Hello Everyone.

I will be travelling to Tokyo, Kyoto and Osaka (Landing on 27 Jan 2024 at Narita and Leaving from Tokyo on 3 Feb 2024). Please find my itinerary below and I am looking for suggestions/recommendations to make it better.

Please note that due to budget constraints, its only Tokyo, Kyoto, Nara and Osaka.

I want a good experience (more of cultural exp – big anime fan from childhood) and my would be husband wants to take good photographs and experience good street food.

Both my would-be husband and I are big anime fans from childhood so this is a dream coming true for us.

Please review the below itineraries and let me know your suggestions on how this can be better.

We are okay with sleeping for less hours if it helps.

27 Jan (Night Stay at Tokyo) – Land in Narita + Dinner (Yurakucho)

28 Jan (Night Stay at Tokyo) – Mt Fuji (Day Trip) + Tokyo Tower

29 Jan (Night Stay at Kyoto) – Meiji Shrine, Yasukuni Shrine, Train to Kyoto, Nijo Castle, Kyoto Tower

30 Jan (Night Stay at Kyoto) – Fushimi Inari Shrine, Daigo-ji Temple, Kyoto Imperial Palace, Nara – Day Trip

31 Jan (Night Stay at Kyoto)- Ginkakuji (Silver Pavilion) , Nanzenji Temple , Kiyomizudera Temple , Higashiyama District, Kōdai-ji Temple, Gion, Unsure about Kinkakauji and Arashiyama. Should I visit Kinkakauji and Arashiyama?

1 Feb (Night Stay at Kyoto) – Kyoto to Osaka, Osaka Castle, Shitennoji Temple , Shinsekai, Minami, Sumiyoshi Taisha, Tenma Shopping

2 Feb (Night Stay at Tokyo) – Return to Tokyo from Kyoto, Tokyo Imperial Palace, Sensoji Temple, Team Labs Planets

3 Feb – Flight early morning

Thank you in advance

  1. I’m pretty sure that Mount Fuji is closed to hiking etc during the winter. You’ll likely get a good view of it from the train to Kyoto.

  2. Allow for the fact that sunset will be 4.50pm.

    Mt Fuji is not always visible although January is a better chance month. You have no day flexibility so check out before you go and decide if you want to proceed if Mt Fuji is clouded over. I assume your day trip is not climbing it but rather sightseeing to Hakone or Lake Kawaguchiko.

    Kyoto Tower is old and not very tall but the city is flat and not built up.

    Be flexible. While your plan is doable you are up against short days and I assume public transport to get around. The buses in Kyoto for example can be difficult to deal with at busy traffic times.

  3. Hi! I’m Japanese here. Try these restos in Kyoto.

    Yugen (matcha cafe) Lorimer Kyoto (breakfast) Awomb (sushi lunch) Men-ya Yukou (ramen)

    If you are interested in a small cute village near Kyoto, “Ohara” is super nice.

  4. Thanks everyone.
    Yes mt fuji will also include hakone..

    Are the other places okay and am i missing something important in these locations ?

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