is having a french bachelor degree and an English one gonna help me to find work easily in Japan?

hello everyone
I’m 27 years old, I’m from Algeria (north Africa) , i have a bachelor degree in french language, i have a japanese girlfriend and i kinda see myself marrying her and live in Japan, but i want to be ready first and put myself in a position which allows me to find a job easily so I’m torn between:

1- continuing my master degree in Algeria in french language and literature


2- applying to Canada university, and study English to be able to have a bachelor in English second language

do you think that the combo of having a double bachelor will grant me a better chance in the current job market in Japan ?

thank you for your help, sorry moderator if i did a mistake while publishing this, I’m new to reddit…

  1. Unless you’re hoping to teach French (jobs are extremely rare) then I’d say your bachelor’s in French language (or a masters) would be largely irrelevant.

    You’re not a native English speaker and I’m guessing you don’t have 12 years of education where English was the primary language? These two (combined with a bachelor’s from an accredited university) are really important for getting a visa to teach English. However, if you get your spouse visa any potential employer wont have to worry about securing a visa for you.

    Are you wanting to actually teach English? If so then if you get your spouse visa you’d absolutely have to get at least a bachelor’s in English or a recognised English language qualification that’ll prove that your English ability is good enough for you to be able to teach it.

  2. Can you speak Japanese fluently? Cause I think you will struggle to find a job and probably struggle to find meaningful employment.

  3. Bonjour, I am French, and have a BA in English with an MA in French literature and education. When I applied for jobs in Japan 13 years ago, I had to record myself speaking English to demonstrate I had a near native fluency and add that to my online applications. I suddenly had several offers, but to teach English. The market for French language is not very active so most people who find jobs teaching it just stay in the same position for a while. Any job other that language schools will require a Master’s degree (at least). Even then, if you want a stable and fulfilling job teaching French, a PhD and several publications are needed.

    However, if you can come under a spouse visa, you will be able to find part-time jobs here and there, and could try to get an online MA which would surely boost your options in the future.

  4. A masters is better than a BA, no matter what the subject. Get a funky English teaching credential (any kind is fine) and I bet you will find something in Japan…

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