Help with the MEXXT scholarship from an Argentinian guy who can’t afford even the Working Holiday program

I’m a 20-year-old from Argentina who is currently trying to get the MEXXT scholarship. I have good knowledge of English but I’m a beginner in Japanese. I plan to study Electronic Engineering and Japanese to get the MEXXT scholarship but many people (including a Japanese guy) say it’s almost impossible to apply without 2 years of Japanese. I could afford the Japanese lessons but the problem is that I am from a state in the north of Argentina very far away from where the Japanese embassy is located, Buenos Aires. I need to spend money every time I try to pass the exam so I don’t really wanna spend that money and fail in the first year.

My main question here is that I really need Japanese N2 to study?. Some YouTubers and the embassy say that I just need elementary Japanese but “adults” says me different things. The “Student Visa” needs some N5 Japanese and the MEXXT provide me one year of intense japanese.

I really wanna study in Japan, I would give anything to accomplish my dream but my financial situation and the economic situation of my country are very very bad :c. Getting 4000USD for the Working Holiday it’s very difficult with all the special laws that we have here, the only way that I could get that is by talking with some “bad people” so a scholarship it\`s almost obligatory.

  1. This is a copy of your post for archive/search purposes.

    **Help with the MEXXT scholarship from an Argentinian guy who can’t afford even the Working Holiday program**

    I’m a 20-year-old from Argentina who is currently trying to get the MEXXT scholarship. I have good knowledge of English but I’m a beginner in Japanese. I plan to study Electronic Engineering and Japanese to get the MEXXT scholarship but many people (including a Japanese guy) say it’s almost impossible to apply without 2 years of Japanese. I could afford the Japanese lessons but the problem is that I am from a state in the north of Argentina very far away from where the Japanese embassy is located, Buenos Aires. I need to spend money every time I try to pass the exam so I don’t really wanna spend that money and fail in the first year.

    My main question here is that I really need Japanese N2 to study?. Some YouTubers and the embassy say that I just need elementary Japanese but “adults” says me different things. The “Student Visa” needs some N5 Japanese and the MEXXT provide me one year of intense japanese.

    I really wanna study in Japan, I would give anything to accomplish my dream but my financial situation and the economic situation of my country are very very bad :c. Getting 4000USD for the Working Holiday it’s very difficult with all the special laws that we have here, the only way that I could get that is by talking with some “bad people” so a scholarship it`s almost obligatory.

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  2. First it’s MEXT. Ministry of Education, Sports, Science and Technology.

    The Japanese embassy in your nation is the only way you can apply. Each embassy has a different set of rules. Language ability is universal and required. You must pass a Japanese test during the early part of your application. JLPT N2 is equivalent to 8th grade level Japanese and is the bare minimum any student have before even thinking about applying. Realistically you will need N1 to survive to graduation and move on to grad school.


    The MEXT scholarship is a full ride with living expenses included. This isn’t aimed at regular students. The scholarship is designed to recruit highly intelligent, highly talented students that are far ahead of their peers. Most recipients go on to earn specialized doctorate degrees and end up in high level positions at large international technology and medical companies.

  3. I’m applying for the research category of MEXT, you don’t need to know Japanese when applying. From my experience (take note, research category), those that successfully get the scholarship will undergo 6 months of Japanese language classes before undergoing the non-regular/research student status, especially if your adviser deems it necessary for you to learn the language. Check the MEXT subreddit if you have any other questions re: the scholarship. Lots of current scholars are there to answer any questions you may have

  4. I assume you are applying for the undergraduate course? Yeah you definitely can don’t worry

  5. Unless the requirements were changed my understanding is that Japanese language is irrelevant. I spoke zero Japanese when I came to Japan but was between lvl 1 or 2 after the 1 year intensive Japanese course.

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