Daily Thread: simple questions, comments that don’t need their own posts, and first time posters go here (November 08, 2023)

This thread is for all simple questions, beginner questions, and comments that don’t need their own post.

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  1. While trying to find a shortcut to quickly change from Japanese text to latin text and vice versa, I came across ALT – CAPS and CTRL – Caps. It worked besides the fact that it wont witch back to latin, only between hiragana and katakana. But another issue arose, instead of Japanese characters being typed by their romaji translation (eg. Sa, Ka, Na, Ta, etc.) its typing by each individual letter (eg. q: た w: て e: い r: す t: か y:ん)

    So how do I fix this and also is there a better shortcut?

  2. Question about this sentence in a reading passage from Quartet. It’s about a 旅館 host describing the level of service they provide.


    I feel like I understand the parts but not entirely certain what it’s really trying to say. Something like “Also, at mealtime we enter and exit the room at least 7 or 8 times, to make sure that the food can be eaten in its most delicious state”.

    This is talking about serving the food in courses, right? So they bring out 7 or 8 dishes so they’re all ready to eat at the perfect time. It’s not just the servers coming and asking how everything is over and over again? Or just going in and out of the doors like Scooby Doo villains?

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