NHK launches 1st surcharge lawsuits against TV service nonpayers


Can’t hide from the NHK man now

  1. But I don’t have TV, also no smart phone and I don’t use internet. 日本語食べれません

  2. I have never understood why they make NHK accessable if people don’t pay for it. I just feel like they are making me pay for something I don’t want or need.

  3. are there commercials on NHK? i always spoke english and said i didn’t understand and they let me go lol

  4. Genuine question: who pays for their lawyers?

    Surely there is a better system to deal with this issue, said everyone with half a brain.

  5. Fuck the NHK top brass and any politician that allows this to be legal. It should not be legal and im surprised there is NOONE standing up to them. Again, bending over and taking it in the ass.

  6. I hope that anti-NHK political party will help the sued, and maybe more people will realise that the law saying that if you can receive the NHK signal (like one arguably could with just a fork, no TV needed) you need to pay.

    I think any sensible change to the law regarding NHK fees in the 21st century would absolutely devastate their revenue overall.

  7. no nhk

    don’t tie up my cardboard

    throw my old batteries away in the ocean

    come at me NHK

  8. A little context would go a long ways..

    They are filling suits against 3 households.

    Easy solution to this: don’t get a TV. Just get a larger PC monitor or a projector that doesn’t have broadcast hardware.

    If you do want Japanese content just use the TVer website.

  9. I am sorry but my door has been broken for years and I cannot seem to open it to anybody except when I am waiting for a package in the mail.

    It is a big shame since I am guessing a lot of kind sales people come to my door in hopes to deliver me with goods and services which only have my best interest in mind… but alas…


  10. NHK has roughly 670 BILLION yen in funding this year.

    4.5 billion USD, 3.6 billion GBP or 4.2 billion Euro at current exchange.

    For comparison:

    * CBC runs on 1.2 billion CAD (131 billion JPY)
    * PBS (USA) runs on 0.5 billion USD (72 billion JPY)
    * KBS (Korea) runs on 1 trillion KWN (114 billion JPY)

    On the bright side, at least we don’t have the ARD… the German broadcaster runs on nearly 7 billion euros. (1.1 TRILLION yen)

  11. I know there is a law, but can you imagine being repeatedly harassed and in the end sued even though you never had a TV in the first place?

  12. My wife wrote my name on a contract about 5 years ago when she was caught by a door knocking NHK guy. Ever since, they have been demanding the payment for 1 year of NHK. Still not sure if that counts as me being in a contract but I haven’t paid anything since I never signed or agreed to anything myself…

  13. Have tv but dont have tv cable port on tv. Basically just have hdmi port and usb. Can they charge me?

  14. I have not installed an antenna on the house and have yet to have a visit.

    So yay for that.

    I genuinely don’t use their service(or any tv) so I’ll be pretty pissed if they make some bs excuse like “oh but you have internet”

  15. As a Brit I’m already seasoned in fighting with the BBC on the exact same thing. You don’t scare me NHK!

  16. Maybe local authorities could just apportion whatever the license fee costs out of our residential taxes . If those funds are for public services, then it sort of falls under that category.

  17. Best way to avoid talking to them is to live in a mansion with autolock. Or at least a camera for your front door doorbell.

    I once lived in an area where they aggressively visited like 10 times a year. In that case, if you REALLY want to get rid of them for a while, you could hide the TV and let them check your residence. They usually put you on a “no visit list” for a few years I believe.

  18. First time they came round I called me old mate.

    “Are they there right now?”

    “Yeah he’s on the doorstep”

    “Good. Tell them to fuck off”

  19. This should be just fukumu’d in with the taxes of the head of each household if they’re going to go this far with it. Basically everyone but the absolute poorest pay residents’ taxes.

  20. I might sound like a shill, but since I pay for NHK the best feeling in life is not having a heart attack everytime the door bell rings.

  21. My TV ain’t Japanese and we don’t have a cable hook up. In the room with the TV. Only the kitchen has one. Your move, NHK.

  22. I’m not in Japan, but isn’t NHK free like OTA TV or like Tubi?
    I’ve never paid once and I have them on my Roku.

  23. Buy an American smart tv and call it a day. When they knocked on my door. I told them I don’t have a Japanese tv. I have an American one imported to Japan via Amazon. They walk away confused for some reason, as if it’s impossible to get an non-Japanese TV🤷🏽.

  24. I’m a little late to the party here, but how can nhk prove you have the means to watch/consume nhk content? That would be a substantial legal undertaking. I mean wouldn’t nhk need access to your private property per household per investigation? I’m no lawyer but that certainly doesn’t sound like a reasonable thing for nhk to do. Or is nhk banking on a critical mass of people falling in line after a few highly publicized legal examples?

    I don’t understand how nhk can legally extort money from people but that is just me.

    If nhk really and truly wanted to nip this in the bud it should compel tv makers to put a chip on new tvs that could only be turned on with an activation code. Instead it’s busy running around after people. It would have to workout a system for one license per household but if Netflix can work it out so could Nhk.

    Or just make nhk streaming service and people could pay monthly.. but that would mean nhk would have to have compelling content.

    However you look at it the whole push for this during a depressed economy with stagnant wage (epidemic) and declining birthdates really makes nhk and the enabling government seen really shitty.

  25. The funny thing is to me that now that it’s all digital, it’s easy enough for them to encrypt the signal, and you have to pay to rent the decrypt card. Those who want it can pay for it and those that don’t wouldn’t have to.

    Then there might be some incentive to make programming that actually entices people to *want* to pay for the service. As it is, we end up with a quasi government mouthpiece that we get harassed into paying for in an indirect and needlessly expensive manner. I’ve got no problem with paying for ‘public good’ services that I may not personally use, or even particularly like, but just wrap it up with the rest of the taxes and be done with it. If we have to go through a song and dance routine to keep it truly independent, that’d be one thing, but it’s failed in that regard and either needs to be fixed, or just roll it into the package of government services our taxes already pay for.

  26. the NHK law is the most annoying shit I even experience in my culture shock here.

    like I can laterally watch TV service on one of my ガラ携 phone or my car Navi.

    and according to then this is chargeable, … like WTF !!

  27. My boyfriend and I were always able to easily avoid the NHK guy, as our apartment came with a doorbell camera. But he was creepy as hell. Was staring into our bedroom window one day to see if he could see in. He stopped coming after the 5th time or so. I’m also not living in Japan anymore so they’ll never catch me now! 👀

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