Japan hospital denies LGBT woman support for IVF pregnancy – The Mainichi

Japan hospital denies LGBT woman support for IVF pregnancy – The Mainichi


  1. …..Huh…

    Well – At least the Government doesn’t seem to support the notion, **publicly,** at least.

  2. This is draconian and a dangerous slippery slope. Using the same logic what next, they don’t treat the baby after it is born?
    What makes this worse is that it was referred to the ethics committee of the hospital and they made the decision not to provide the appropriate care to this woman.

  3. Japan still has a long way to go to be considered an inclusive and accepting place for LGBTQ rights. While Japanese society is not hostile to LGBTQ people, due to a lack of legal protections, these sorts of inequities and examples of unfairness exist. Disappointing!

  4. Jeezus fn christ. This is beyond awful – the “doctors” on that entire ethics committee needs to be put on a PIP that involves serious re-training on the tenets of the Hippocratic Oath.

    But sadly, it is sooooooo typical Japan. When in any tiny shadow of doubt, it’s a no 🤦‍♀️

  5. It’s funny that they value the father’s presence so highly before birth, yet do absolutely nothing to ensure they are financially responsible for the kid after birth.

  6. The hospital is not talking about “obstetrics department refuses pregnant woman from same-sex couple”.
    The point of this article is that you’re talking about “obstetricians rejecting an unmarried pregnant woman without a referral who claims to have used an overseas sperm bank”. The headline is wrong.
    Because of children’s rights, medical ethics, etc., it is difficult to accept someone who says “I got pregnant at a sperm bank” without a letter of introduction.
    Besides, I can see the same-sex partner of the pregnant woman coming out and complicating the story, so the obstetrics department, which has a lot of work to do, can’t afford to take on such a case.
    If the pregnancy is through a sperm bank, we could have researched medical institutions and made arrangements before conception, or we could have had the baby abroad.
    But if you get pregnant without any consideration and the obstetrician refuses you, you have to deal with the difficulty.
    It looks like they are using the child for their activities.

  7. “Refused because of donated sperm”? — ALL sperm is donated sperm whether it’s from a husband or not. Good thing Japan doesn’t have a childbirth problem… oh wait

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