Pronunciation of だ and ら

Hi everyone.

I am an international student in Japan. I got 2 years learning Japanese and things seem “daijoubu” except one thing: I cannot pronounce the letter だ and らexactly (same with で/れ、ど/ろ)

For example, when I say でんき/でんたく, what Japanese people hear is れんき/れんたく. It seems that my pronunciation with the “d” sound is bad.

I have tried finding instruction on Youtube, Google, even from my teacher but it still doesn’t work, so I am needing you guys teach me how to put the tounge in the right place, to pronounce it properly.

Hope to see your comments.

Edit: I am Vietnamese, and I can speak English (more fluently than Japanese). So you can guide me as an English speaker 😀

  1. What’s your native language? That will help people give better advice about what problem you’re encountering with the “d” sound and how to correct it.

  2. Your question will be easier to answer if we know your native language and your country of origin.

  3. The main difference is the r is a tap or flap and the d is a plosive (aka stop) ie start with a completely obstructed airway, and it is a sharp release of air when you make the sound.

    in english the plosives are t/d p/b k/g. it looks like in vietnamese the t is plosive but the d is implosive.

    if you are using a vietnamese d sound for でんき I’m not sure it would sound like れんき to me but practice saying てんき then add voice for でんき but don’t do anything extra with your glottis like you would for a vietnamese d.

    t and d should have the same mouth configuration but just add voice for the d.

  4. The Japanese “d” and “r” sounds have basically the same mouth/tongue shape so it makes sense that you have trouble distinguishing them.

    To make the “d” sound you need to build up a bit of pressure in your mouth first, with your mouth completely sealed. Then you let that pressure out in one go. You can really exaggerate the “d” sound by building a lot of pressure, no way anyone will mishear you then.

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