Japanese Bathroom Floor Drain

I have only just started living in Japan recently and I noticed the bathroom floor drain. I opened it and realised it was so dirty. How do I clean this? And what products are best to clean it?

Thank you.

  1. First time living on your own, I guess? Is it full of hair? Just take them with your hand (maybe gloves if you feel icky) and drop the hairball into your ordinary burnable trash bag. Then wash your hand.

    The remaining black deposits of minerals, body fluids, fat/oils… any bathroom brush from a 100yen shop will do.

    For tougher stains, go get [バス・マジックリン](https://www.kao.co.jp/magiclean/products/bath/) or [カビキラー](https://www.kabikiller.jp/kabikiller/) from a supermarket / drugstore, spray, leave 5 mins, then brush.

  2. Scrub it with a brush or an old tooth brush to get in the holes if there are any. Use strong bathroom cleaner and then カビキラー to keep the mold away for a while. You really need to clean it at least a couple times a month or it will get gross.

  3. All of the above are great advice. You can also use drain cleaner once a month and pour a little bleach down the drain once in a while, too.

  4. My monthly routine:

    – Glove up and pick up any hair etc by hand.
    – Take the drain cover and put it in a sealed/tied off plastic bag with warm water mixed with カビキラー OR ハイター (but NEVER both)
    – Spray the open drain generously with ハイター, leave for 5-8 minutes then rinse off.
    – Use the filled plastic bag in the first step to block the drain and fill bathroom floor with 2-3 cm of warm water, mixed with Oxy Clean powder. Leave for about 10 minutes, then drain everything away
    – Rinse & brush the drain cover, then put it back.

    Every week or so I throw in one of those tiny drain cleaner “pills” in there as well.

    As u/The-very-definition pointed out, if you have long hair you’ll need to clean the drain more often. I can get away with once a month because I have short hair and it doesn’t fall out as much in the shower.

  5. I occasionally wipe it down with cloth and anti bacterial wipes and it’s pretty clean.

    I’m also terrible at cleaning.

  6. Are you referring to the wet portion of the shower room or a different drain. If it’s not part of the “wet area” make sure to pour a bit of water in every so often so you avoid sewer gas smells.

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