Japan hospital denies LGBT woman support for IVF pregnancy

Japan hospital denies LGBT woman support for IVF pregnancy


  1. once a woman is pregnant she should get the same care as any other woman.

    abusive hetero marriage but pregnant, good.

    stable non hetero pregnacy , bad.

    stop the stupid morality police.

  2. JAPAN: Japanese women need to have more children.

    LGBT WOMAN: I want IVF to get pregnant.

    JAPAN: No.


  3. That is beyond fucked up. She is pregnant and that baby needs support and checkups.

    Please tell us the contact information of the hospital so we can tell them how we feel🖕

  4. >The cases occurred at a time when Japanese hospitals have grown wary about accepting pregnant women unconditionally due to a lack of legislation related to conception via donated sperm.

    What does that even mean? I’m trying to wrap my head around the thought process behind this, but I just can’t do it.

  5. Single women can’t get IVF in Japan. It’s not necessarily an LGBTQ issue.

    ‘In the other case, the unmarried woman was told by the hospital she may no longer receive pregnancy checkups because she lacked sufficient documentation from the clinic where she underwent in-vitro fertilization using donated sperm.’

    Women are going overseas to get pregnant via IVF because Japan doesn’t allow single mothers to undergo IVF treatments. The laws and protocols aren’t keeping up with the technology. There is very little legislation surrounding sperm donation, surrogacy, and IVF. Hospitals don’t want to get in the middle if a sperm donor asserts parental rights, or say, the child is born with a disability and the mother tries to find an anonymous donor for support. The role of hospitals is poorly defined, they don’t want to assume risks until the legal aspects are well defined.

  6. I understand people want to do it the”legal/safe way”. But why not just pay some guy for his sperm?

  7. I get chills even just thinking of being in a position of that woman.

    You can’t get IVF if you’re not married to a MAN.
    You can’t get pregnancy check ups if you’re legally not with a MAN.
    You can’t get abortion if you don’t get a consent from the MAN involved.

    Are we on paper just a piece of belonging to a male figure or what even is this…?

  8. It’s not an lgbt issue. It’s that single people can’t have IVF here . The moving parts of issues aren’t the same ones we have in the west

  9. I really don’t give a shit about this minority after they uppended the culture wherever they took root. I say keep them down and keep society sane.

  10. What a terrible headline.

    This is not so much a LGBTQI+ issue, she was rejected because she was single and got around Japan’s rule that only married people can access IVF treatment by getting the first stage of the treatment overseas.

    As Japan doesn’t allow same-sex marriage, that was probably her only option.

    As she had “broken the rules”, the ethics committee decided she should not get continued treatment under Japan’s IVF program. Probably because of a mix of typical rigid Japanese bureaucracy and a fear of insurance/legal ramifications. There was no clear legislation about penalties for hospitals in such a case.

    So she would have had to have gone to another hospital for her checkup.

    Luckily, the government has decided to step in and instruct hospitals on what to do in such cases.

    But all this crap could have been avoided if Japan only allowed same-sex marriage and let single people receive IVF treatment.

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