Get a sponsor working in bar/hotel/restaurant

Will it be feasible?

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    **Get a sponsor working in bar/hotel/restaurant**

    Will it be feasible?

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  2. What visa? What position? Bars and restaurants are probably a no, depending on the visa and hotel is a maybe, depending on the position.

  3. Judging by your replies to other comments you seem a bit stubborn on this topic, but to be clear, there is absolutely no chance, literally 0%, that you will get sponsored to for a work visa at a bar/hotel job.

    You cannot “take your chance” and hope to find something, the government literally does not give visas for these positions

  4. Others have said it, but it bears repeating here:
    There really isn’t enough info to comment on your plan (or lack thereof).

    Generally speaking you’re not going to get a visa to work in a bar unless you’re a world class sommelier. Even as a student, you’re prohibited from working in bars.

    For restaurants, unless you’re a world class chef with a decade of experience in a specific style of cuisine in a location renowned for that cuisine, you’re not going to get a visa to work there. But if you were here as a student you could certainly work part time in a restaurant.

    For hotels, positions interacting with guests are usually fine, although the visa has education/experience requirements and you haven’t mentioned your education nor experience level. So its hard for us to say whether or not you qualify. You can review the requirements yourself here: [](

    I’m sure someone will come along and mention the specified skill worker visa. So for completeness sake I’ll link it here: [](

    Just remember that status is basically a failed program that is meant to be the spiritual successor to the often abused (by predatory employers) technical intern training program. Its aimed at developing southeast asian countries, so it can be challenge for someone not living in one of those countries to meet the various requirements.

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