Weekly Thread: Material Recs and Self-Promo Wednesdays! (November 08, 2023)

Happy Wednesday!

Every Wednesday, share your favorite resources or ones you made yourself! Tell us what your resource an do for us learners!

Weekly Thread changes daily at 9:00 EST:

Mondays – Writing Practice

Tuesdays – Study Buddy and Self-Intros

Wednesdays – Materials and Self-Promotions

Thursdays – Victory day, Share your achievements

Fridays – Memes, videos, free talk

  1. Hey everyone! **YomiNinja** recently had a new release!

    YomiNinja is a free open-source OCR/Dictionary tool designed with language learners in mind.

    **Version 0.2.1** introduces new features, including one that might assist those facing compatibility issues with specific hardware configurations.

    Additionally, **Version 0.3.0** is available for Early Access tier members, featuring built-in popup dictionaries and the ability to install dictionary extensions originally designed for web browsers.

    [Check out the Version 0.3.0 demo video](https://www.patreon.com/posts/yomi-ninja-v0-3-92158406) .

    **Version 0.2.1 TL;DR:**

    * Option to invert captured image colors – great for text on a dark background.
    * WebSocket support for texthookers.
    * Option to alter the OCR inference runtime.

    [Click here to check all the details](https://www.patreon.com/posts/yomi-ninja-v0-2-92129391)

    [Get the app on GitHub](https://github.com/matt-m-o/YomiNinja/releases)

    Furthermore, Linux support and many exciting features are currently in development.

    I’ll greatly appreciate your feedback!

    Thank you everyone for the support, feedback, and sharing YomiNinja!

  2. Hi guys,

    The Kanji Visual Language Project now has an [updated UI](https://kvlporg.files.wordpress.com/2023/11/newuilower.png) added to the spreadsheet. This will hopefully make it clearer how and why the kanji roots are laid out as they are.

    The [KVLP](https://kvlp.org/) is a 100% visual method of learning each kanji character with no mnemonics required, which took me 3 years to do. I’m looking for a little bit more feedback before I begin drafting a YouTube video about the project. The video will probably be an audio version of the main guide with updates and clarifying animations, but as I’ve learned the hard way, I need to draft the idea first before I know if it’s worth all the time putting it up. So that’ll still be a while yet.

    My own immersion is consuming a lot of my time right now, too (but resulting in plenty of awesome small victories lately!). And right now I want to keep that a priority whilst balancing promoting this project as a worthy contender to conventional kanji learning methods.

    Put it this way… because of my method, this happened to me last week. I bought a small plushie of Shoyo Hinata as a Christmas present for a friend, and I looked *once* at the plush’s T-shirt that had these characters: 大器晩成 . I didn’t know how they were read together or what meaning they made together, but I still remembered *the characters themselves*. And I was still able to pull them from memory after a week in their correct order, stroke for stroke. It’s only just now that I’ve checked Jisho to see they are pronounced たいきばんせい which in English means “great talents mature late”.

    That’s how good it can get (I hope). The characters still stick in your memory even before you learn their meanings and readings. That sounds like sheer bullshit I know, but I swear it’s what happened!

    So if you want to read through the site and check out the kanji spreadsheet please do, and leave comments/criticism as well if you want. Thanks 😊

  3. Hello, [GameHongo](https://gamehongo.com/) is a project that I have been developing for a 1 year.
    It is communal game/youtube channel recommendation list for learning japanese.
    – You can browse more than 150 channels, and see basic information, such as: does it have soft/hard subtitles, average video length, difficult language, tags, comments from other users.
    – You can search games/channels based on difficult level and tags. ( For example, here is the search for channels with soft-subs that are easy : [https://gamehongo.com/youtube?&type=2&tags=30&maxRate=6](https://gamehongo.com/youtube?&type=2&tags=30&maxRate=6) , and here for here for 10m cooking channels: [https://gamehongo.com/youtube?&type=2&tags=31,35](https://gamehongo.com/youtube?&type=2&tags=31,35) )

    – Anyone can easily add an new games/channels to the website.

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