What to Do When You Discover Disturbing Behavior?

As the title suggests, I have come across disturbing content by an ALT who is active here in Japan. This person has shown online activity that advocates for inappropriate relationships with young children, as well as soliciting those who are interested in their “hobby” by explaining how he has access to these minors. This teacher has also posted questionable content about their own students as well which is why I am seeking advice on what to do with this information.

Now, I do not work with this person and we don’t even live in the same region, so this is not a matter of a coworker but rather a matter of an online community member displaying disturbing behavior. The legalities of their behavior is deep within a gray area, as they’re active in [the U15 “idol” scene](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Junior_idol) (Wikipedia), but its more or less the pertinacity to objectifying prepubescent girls (has written fantasies about their obsessions on Twitter) and unhealthy obsessions with their own female students (posts on Reddit) that makes me want to report them the board of education or some authority that could investigate his activity.

Is there any course of action that can be taken in this situation?

Edit: Thanks to everyone’s comments. I have been compiling evidence of his online activity and archiving it so I can present it to the right authorities. Right now I’m trying to pinpoint his location — but I know what he looks like and he’s very open about where he’s at on his free time. But that isn’t telling of where he works, which is imperative based on his positing history to the danger he poses to his female students.

Thanks everyone.

Your assumptions are correct to who this person is btw.

  1. Knowing just the region isn’t enough. If you know the specific area (city/town/prefecture) that he is working in, then make a report/document and send it/call the BOE affiliated with that area. If that area uses a dispatch company, then ask which company won the tender at the city hall and contact them directly.

    If he ***is*** working for a dispatch company, and you have proof of his conduct, and you contact them, and he’s identified, they’ll fire him real fast. They don’t want the liability.

    Edited for grammar boo boos.

  2. There’s a page of resources on the [TELL website](https://telljp.com/child-abuse/). I’d contact some of the organizations listed on there.

    Also, thanks for watching out for the welfare of children! It’s ridiculous that there isn’t so much as a basic screening of people who will be working with children here.

  3. Some time/years ago I delt with something similar with a Japanese employee in Fukushima. Document it. Go to the BOE in person or call. Request an email, submit documents.

    Actions will be taken as discreetly and as swiftly as possible to remove that person, provided the quality of the evidence is sufficient.

    In my case there was follow-up communication.

    At the time, the employee was (aggressively) encouraged to resign given the evidence and to avoid any public scandal. Doubtful he went to work anywhere else in education as they kept his information.

    — you are talking about the same person that certain people handled really stupidly on reddit. He was in Tochigi before. Call Gunma prefecture BOE. Make sure there is clear evidence linking him to problematic statements.

  4. > This teacher has also posted questionable content about their own students as well

    This alone is a sufficient justification to report him

  5. Why not complain to the dispatch company or the BOE or contact the school directly? You casn choose to be just a random tipster!

  6. if you could find him on IG, friend hi (if privated) and find out where he lives, maybe you can do something but then you would need to know what company he works for…i mean if youre really dedicated you could pretend to have the same sicko interest to gain trust and gather information to give to the local police with proof or to his employer,

  7. 1) Find out who their employer is.

    2) Gather what evidence you have.

    3) Give it to their employer.

  8. I think I know who you mean, if you wanna DM me we can chat. I know a lot about this guy as he’s not exactly low key about it online. I can’t post any more information here without breaking some rules.

  9. Just call them out. Send links to their school. Don’t let them hide in the safety of online anonymity. If this weirdo is a threat to kids, then take action.

  10. I am not sure if anyone has mentioned this, but for people with these kinds of tendencies or curiosities, it is important to seek help before you hurt the children and yourself. The damage will be permanent for both.

  11. Second post in less than a week that sounds just like OP is talking about that creep that got banned from a number of subs a few months back. We *sure* it’s not him?

  12. There are cultural barriers here. If you have any Japanese friends or Co-workers that might be willing to help, lodge complaints, you might get more success.

  13. I am pretty sure myself and a few others talked about how sad the situation regarding the user you are referencing is.

    To be blunt, even if you report it, nothing will happen. The parents who allow their children to participate in those activities are doing so willingly. If there is parental consent then the user, in all legal rights, has the ownership of the photographs.

    It’s absolutely disgusting and absolutely terrible that there isn’t really anything that can be done.

    As you mentioned, he has stated how he had a fixation with a previous student and seems to work in a teaching environment where this is an obvious red flag.

    Unless people directly provide information to an employer I doubt anything would happen, and even then, it really does come back to the legal action that can be taken. I doubt he would be removed from his position, but who knows.

    In short, F that guy.

  14. I clicked on the “U15 idol” link you shared and I feel disgusted just LOOKING at that picture! I didn’t even know that that perversion existed. That is creepy AS FUCK! Any man that’s into that is a fucking pedo. My God!

  15. Rumia’s friend here! Never posted on Reddit before but he asked me to because he’s temporarily banned and wanted to address this before it got out of hand.

    First of all, he says he’s reported this thread to Reddit admins for being a basic breach of their rules regarding asking for personal information about a user. Asking for where someone lives, where they work, etc.

    The reasons for this rule are quite clear. Information spread on Reddit is subject to a lot of perversion. You might be misinterpreting something, or you might have exageratted information, or you might even simply be dealing with information that is maliciously mis-leading. Rumia says that (for example) any comment discerning to his fascination with a particular student stems from when he posted the thread “Help, my student is missing, and I don’t know what to do”, in which he simply posted that he wanted advice on how to handle a truancy. The thread devolved immediately into “jokingly” blaming Rumia himself for the girl’s truancy, which has now been perverted into being a fact and people subsequently making accusations.

    As the for U15 idol link you posted, he says that gravure or kinky material of U15 has been banned in Japan for at least 10 years and has absolutely no connotation with what he does, which is very much legal photography and can be viewed on his website if you are in any doubt, non-the-less he has both approached the police in person to check it’s legality (yes it’s fine) and his manager at work (yes it’s fine, but don’t bring it up at work, which he hasn’t).

    For those alluding to inappropriate behavior: Please don’t. This is not a trivial thing to accuse someone of, especially in Japan where you can get in trouble for saying false things.

    Rumia says that he has been a teacher of elementary and junior high students in Japan for 5 years and is considered well-respected and an exemplary teacher who has a lot of fun and simply likes taking photos of young girls as a hobby. He says that recently he’s been going through a rough patch as he says ‘I’m sure you’re familiar with as an ALT’, in which he gets drunk and posts on Reddit his photos to get responses from people like you, but he’s also upset that some people have construed this to also mean that he abuses his students behind the scenes. “It has kinda back-fired a bit too much” he says.

    My own add: He’s an idiot for posting his stuff online, he should be like the other Japanese and just keep his hobby to himself. Nothing much more to say. BTW don’t make stuff up about people, and don’t judge things you only know from hearsay. Rumia says he’s grateful a few people stuck up for him.

    That’s it.

    Rumia will (maybe) reply in person in 5 days when he’s unbanned.

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