Lost bags Narita Airport Tokyo

Can anyone help with any information they have on the baggage claim at Narita airport please.

3 days ago my friends arrived into the Narita only to be told their luggage was lost. The baggage manager took their baggage tags to log a case with the airline (Egypt Air). He told them they would be in contact within 24 hours. In the three days since they have had no word. They have contacted Egypt Air to find that the case was never logged by the baggage manager and my friends are now unable to get in contact with anyone at baggage in the airport. They have received no contact from the airport over the issue and need the tags to log a case with Egypt Air to try and retrieve the bags.

Does anyone here have a phone number or an email or any advice that might be of help?

  1. Egypt Air are… not the best airline.

    I’ve had them lose baggage on every flight I’ve taken with them.

    One time (2019) I flew back from Cairo and somebody (assuming customs) had been smoking and dropped ash all over my microphone covers. And the airline lost an audio recorder I was dumb enough to check as hold baggage.

    Where were you flying from.

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