a LIJ upper mid carder, a BC jobber, a CHAOS jr, and an indy freelancer formed the best faction in modern NJPW

a LIJ upper mid carder, a BC jobber, a CHAOS jr, and an indy freelancer formed the best faction in modern NJPW

  1. You’re not a jobber if you win cleanly against Ibushi and you’re a champion with 4 succesful defenses smh

  2. BC jobber who gets to hang out with hot ladies for his entrance. Not exactly losing is he.

  3. This has to be fucking bait right?

    HoT has been the worst part of New Japan for nearly their entire existence.

  4. Forgot to mention, this post inspired by Bullet Club – House of Torture vs #STRONGHEARTS from the latest GLEAT show. good shit.

  5. The house of torture are my yardstick for who actually watches the product because they rule right now. Sho is the best comedy wrestler on earth

  6. The funny thing is I hate house of torture so much, but I’m seriously loving SHO’s character, like slightly crazy and delusional… it reminds me a bit of CHAOS Switchblade and his whole schtick at the start where he was a bit unhinged. The rest of HoT… no

  7. I do want nothing more than to see someone beat their asses. And the Tama Tonga face turn has been great. Well played HoT, well played.

  8. They’ve honestly been great the last several months. Even though I don’t think that EVIL Heavyweight title run should’ve happened, his matches with Ishii (the NYGS one), Tama, and Hiromu this year were great. The 6-Man tag title defenses have been good and SHO’s new character is so entertaining. I still can’t get the banana spot from BOSJ out of my head. Can’t wait for them to officially split from Bullet Club.

  9. Wait when did people flip on House of Torture? I thought everyone hated it?

    Is this purely because of SHO being great?

  10. Lol absolutely the most boring faction 🤣 I feel bad for anyone attached to EVIL

  11. My Favorite HOT moment was Taguchi replacing SHO’S wrench with a banana during the BOTSJ

  12. What! When did SANADA, Chris Bey, Robbie Eagles and Effy for a faction!?!

  13. LIJ currently the best faction imo followed by empire and then bullet club. Goto, ishi and okada practically carry chaos. Suzuki goon is just there. And house of torture was solo beat by hiromu lately

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