Leaving Yaruki switch kids duo contract.

Hi guys, I currently work at kids duo since April and my life has become hell. I am thinking of leaving this company. But I can’t find any info about leaving the contract midway. Is there a penalty for leaving the contract midway?

  1. Sorry you’re going through this. In the spirit of warning others perhaps, why has working for your kids duo branch been hell?

  2. If the company imposes on of those initial contract, must give 3 months notice, or risk getting fined, that should appear in the contract. If the contract does NOT say that, then 2 weeks is fine.

    If they provide housing though, things get ugly. Might want to sort a new place first, then turn in your notice.

  3. There’s no penalty. I left Yaruki Switch Kids duo mid contract with one month notice and nothing happened, you will be fine. Just leave and take care of your own health, I totally understand your feelings

  4. A month if you want to be generous or standard 2 weeks. Secure a job first as others have said.

    I worked for an eikaiwa where the boss was adamant that I leave in a month because “you’ve worked here for 3 years, you at least owe us a month so we can find another teacher.” Yea… no, I left in 2 weeks and no consequences.

  5. Should have declined the job the minute you heard it was 2 hours away. Should have told them to assign you closer right from the jump at lease.

  6. I quit last year and gave just under a months notice. Like someone else said, you’ll have a zoom meeting where they’ll ask why,etc. And if you had bosses like mine, you’ll get numerous conversations where they try to convince you to stay for at least another month or two, etc. Or they’ll finally try to superficially improve things to get you to stay but just make sure to be firm. If you have housing under them that could be complicated and I don’t know if you’d need to be prepared to move out or not and the fees with that though.

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