I miss these. Way cleaner to use than the packets

I never see these anymore

  1. eventually parts of these plastic fish make their way into real fish, and the real fish are ingested by you. in a way, while you don’t *see* them, they are a part of you. namaste

  2. They still have them in a local sushi store near where I live. I’m from Czechia. I also like them.

  3. I have never seen these but they look like those liquid filled wax bottle candies. I was never allowed to have them as a kid but they always looked so good!

  4. These are cute, I thought they were made out of wax. Like those disgusting “coke bottle” candies.

    Thought wax was an ideal container until I read these are plastic. Womp womp

  5. Just more plastic to strangle the sea life until you’re just re-eating the plastic. So unnecessary!

  6. Probably not what you are after but you can buy them online, intended to be refillable and reusable. People who get into bento lunch box packing/meal prep seems to be the main users.

  7. The whole “single use plastics is bad” seems like a pretty good reason. It’s cute but not that cute

  8. Sure but the truth is every single one of those that was ever manufactured is still in the landfill, the ocean, the bird or fish or mammals stomach, ever so slowly being broken down into smaller and smaller microplastics that will soon be in every bit of water and every living things bodies. So the convenience isn’t really worth it.

  9. I miss these antiquated unbelievably wasteful disposable receptacles because they were *so damn cute looking*.

    I’ve even convinced myself that they are more sanitary when they clearly have a separate cap with a questionable seal.

  10. Fuck these things I had to fill so many of them up I never want to look at these stupid squeezy fish ever again

  11. I get them in Melbourne, I’m here as a student and when I buy suchi from random stalls I ask for soy sauce and get those

  12. I see everyone in the comments talking about how wasteful these things are, but I have a set and I always thought they’re supposed to be reusable?? I just rinse and refill, throw a couple in my lunchbox and they’re great! I would think that’s better than throwing away the lil packets all the time…

    I also read these are commonplace in Australia? Are they typically treated as single use over there? I just don’t get how these are apparently more/just as wasteful than their more disposable packet cousins are?

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