Wrestle Kingdom 18

Wrestle Kingdom 18

  1. Apologies to the Finlay fan on here 😅

    Whilst I do understand highlighting the Gaijin who’s going to be staying with the company full time, does it have to be *him*?

  2. These posts are so tiresome. It’s almost as bad as the constant complaining over the world title belt design.

  3. At this point I just feel sorry for Finlay, it’s probably not even his fault, NJPW just really threw him to the wolves.

    Kinda reminds me when everyone hated Jay White until the 2019 G1, and then his character work became undeniable and the rest is history.

  4. hot take cause the bar is low for wrestling fans: Moxley is overrated and on the same level as Finlay

  5. I’m not even mad at the post, because most people here are either hypocrites or just plain stupid. This sub dick rides Jeff Cobb, a guy who is so bland and uncharismatic that Lucha Underground had to put a mask on him and TEACH HIM to be a monster, despite being 300 pounds. Just saying. 🤷‍♀️

  6. I respect people’s options, however…

    Finlay gonna he bringing gold and bodies at Kingdom. These my dogs for real.

  7. Even as someone who’s been craving for another Ospreay/Mox singles match considering how great their chemistry is, I really am rooting for Finlay to pull a great performance in his own right

  8. I know that at lot of people didn’t want to see that match but I was really hyped for it… and thank you Finlay to have fucked it up.

  9. My god this is perfect, there is so much wrong with heel Finlay in general. Guy didn’t make sense to join bullet club in the first place let alone take over it (let’s not even go into his win loss record against Jay to just randomly cheap shot him and take over). Only reason he has control of BC is because he kicked them out and replaced them with his guys, they are fractured after Jay leaving and Finlay not caring about uniting BC (Fale having a NZ/AUS sub group, Jay having BCG, ABC alone in Impact and whatever HOT is) or someone like Kenta who just keeps quite and thinks “fuck this…..”.

    They are trying so hard to make him a threat and main event star but he just has nothing to back it up and everything Gedo does makes me actively want to skip his matches. If you are gonna have a BC member to make it a 3 way you have more logical answers, Juice lost the belt to Moxley in his debut and he also one it when he joined BC. Kenta also makes more sense with his pandemic run with the belt but what in the sweet hell does Finlay have to do with either man or belt other than he has no match for WK.

    Worst case scenario is he wins it and that’s how they write Will out of NJPW which is some straight up WWE booking of “we like Roman so you have to”.

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