Netflix’s “Old Enough” is a great show for low level Japanese learners

I’m still very early in my Japanese learning. My wife and I have watched a few episodes.

It’s a show with children doing tasks on their own. We are talking kids 5 and under. So the conversations are very low level, kids and parents.

There are English and Japanese subs in the show. Even without the subs I was able to tell what was happening. I couldn’t understand everything. But I could hear things like, Money, Store, Vegetables, Buy, etc.

If you haven’t checked it out, it’s worth watching a few episodes to be dropped in some real life conversations.

  1. Aww! I watched a streamed episode from my friend in Japan, and it’s very cute. I’m really glad they brought that over.

  2. So is it like a reality TV kinda thing or a cute little fictional story?

  3. Original name is First Errand / はじめてのおつかい. Netflix only has one season, alas! You also get to hear the narrator talk about different parts of Japan.

    I was watching one episode while eating dinner for awhile. Then I ran out of episodes!

  4. I really enjoyed watching はじめてのおつかい with my wife, absolutely adorable show.

  5. The show also doubles as a good form of birth control. After watching it I don’t want to have kids.

  6. Ooh! I’ve been watching it recently, i don’t understand it whole but I can get the gits of it, if the toddlers in the show can understand then surely I must be able to

  7. I love this show, almost makes me cry at how cute these kids are! When I was that age my mum used to send me to the store with a list I‘d hand to the store assistant and she‘d help me shop. Then I‘d just give them all the money from my little purse, and they‘d sort the payment. Nobody filmed me though 🙁

  8. This has been on my watch list but have not gotten around to it, but now that needs to change!!

  9. Fun show to watch. Word of warning though for total beginners. The narrator speaks at a rapid pace and the kids cute speech will trip you up.

  10. This show is the reason I will never forget “sumi masen”. It’s become a thing my wife and I just regularly yell out to each other.

  11. It’s worth searching reddit for some of the 3 hour specials that have been subbed. I think there are 3 or 4 – but a few of the segments are also in the Netflix season

    (As it’s copyrighted I can’t directly link it, but they are quite easy to find)

  12. It really is. I watched it first time around no subtitles and people kept watching it with me so ide translate bits for them. Made me feel good being able to tell people what was going on. Watched later with subtitles and was again happy because I noticed my translations were mostly accurate. I didn’t realise I had retained that much.

  13. The first episode on Netflix is precious. The girl who recognizes the camera man and talks to him is the cutest. Crazy to think how old and grown up those kids are now.

  14. The show is good. It is also amazingly emotionally manipulative and shameless about assaulting you with ‘cute’.


  15. My mom (native Japanese) told me about this show and loved it and told me to give it a shot, but she thought it was adorable as fuck

  16. Any tips on how I could actually use this show effectively to learn? Or is it just something I can do for fun and see how much I already understand?

  17. I’ve been watching it on and off for 15 years, couldn’t agree more! In case you’re looking for the name to find all the episodes. “`はじめてのおつかい“`

    My favorite episodes are usually ones with multiple siblings lol

  18. I am not sure if it is the same thing or not, but there was an episode or clips on YouTube as well. They would go to the grocery store on their own (minus the camera person) with a small list, but get distracted and not end up buying everything they were supposed to. It was adorable!

  19. I tried to watch Terrace house with jp subs but failed miserably. The hosts talk way to fast( normal to them obviously) with lots of slangs

  20. I love this show and have been watching it for several years, it never fails to make me cry 😭 The father in me is just cheering them on the whole way!

  21. Wait, はじめてのおつかい is on Netflix? Is it the TV specials or did they make it a regular show?

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