What universities provide TESOL Masters in Japan?

  1. Nagoya University of Foreign Studies. Classes are held on Saturdays. The program is for working teachers.

  2. With online Masters these days, have a look at pricing and quality of teaching to get the best bang for your buck. Having something a bit dIfferent to the standard MA TESOL from a Japanese uni may be more interesting. I did a MSc TESOL with a specialism in technology at St Andrews University in Scotland. The course fitted in well with my normal teaching schedule in Japan. Japanese unis I heard people usually attend are Soka or Temple.

  3. I went to Temple in Tokyo and got my job through contacts in class and the person that interviewed me went to Temple so that didn’t hurt. Schools in Japan have alumni networks that can help with getting jobs here. Something to consider but it’s not the end all be all.

  4. Here’s my list, anyone can feel free to add to it.
    *Akita International University: https://web.aiu.ac.jp/en/degree/graduate-program/eltp/
    *Soka University: https://www.soka.ac.jp/en/academics/graduate/grad-let/tesol/
    *Ritsumeikan University: https://www.ritsumei.ac.jp/acd/gr/gsli/e/programs/maprogram.html#
    *Temple University Japan: https://www.tuj.ac.jp/grad-ed
    *Kanda Gaigo University: https://www.kandagaigo.ac.jp/kuis/grad/language/tesol/
    *Kansai Gaidai University: https://www.kansaigaidai.ac.jp/sp/en/academics/graduate/dept-english/
    *Sophia University: https://www.sophia.ac.jp/eng/academics/g/g_fs/g_fs_ling/

    I can’t say whether their admissions requirements would apply to you, these are just ones that would likely work for me. It’s also worth noting that Kanda has an option for a fully online program, if that’s what floats your boat. There are several others I think have them, but I couldn’t confirm (like Kansai University).

  5. Very useful information! Just to follow up, as someone who is planning to apply to one of the programs, which would people recommend between Soka and Temple? I have read very mixed opinions on both.

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