Weekly Complaint Thread – 09 November 2023

It’s the weekly complaint thread! Time to get anything off your chest that’s been bugging you or pissing you off.

Remain civil and be nice to other commenters (even try to help).

* No politics
* No complaints about users of JapanLife

  1. I’m a big docomo user so thought getting a D-card would be a good idea. Except the d-card has a name character limit that is way to short for foreign names so had to deal with name mismatching shenanigans.

    I was able to get the d-card but it auto-truncated my name to be a weird shortened version, which obviously doesn’t match my ID. so although i got the card, linking bank account or using additional features in docomo that required verification always failed.

    Took 3 hours at the docomo shop to fix and the only solution was to cancel the d card and revert my name. So I wasted my time and now I’m sure my credit score took a hit.

  2. Giant fuck you to all the able bodied young people with no bags using the elevator in the subway station.

    Old people? Cane? Small Child? Even just a medium sized suitcase? Sure, go ahead.

    Literally nothing but a cellphone? Nah, fuck off.

    We have a double-wide stroller. There is one elevator in the entire station, and its impossible for us to get up or down any other way. Its actually *father away* for you, and takes *significantly* longer to take the elevator because its in a super far corner miles away from the ticket gate. Take the god damn stairs you lazy asshole.

    Two specific examples from the last couple days.

    An older man gets on the elevator, followed by a young woman who walked up right as we did. She gets on, then holds the door and yells 乗りませんか?from inside. We PHYSICALLY CANNOT FIT in the elevator because **YOU** are in it, you oblivious asshole. The stairs are 20 meters down the road, why the fuck are you even here?

    The worse one: A couple walk toward the elevator. The girl motions toward the up escalator right behind them (~15m away). The guy shakes his head and presses the button. We roll up behind them. He looks at me, looks at the stroller, then just looks away and gets on the elevator. Eat an entire bag of dicks you selfish, lazy piece of shit.

    There are a bunch of エレベータでしか移動が難しい方がいます! posters at the station. At a bunch of elevators there is one ~A4 sized one, and then an identical huge one right next to it. I’m convinced that they noticed the cell phone zombies were either too oblivious or too shameless to heed the small one, so they added full size posters to make them notice.

  3. I have a toxic colleague who often excludes me from the brainstorming sessions she leads. When I try to discuss the same topic, she keeps saying, ‘You need to tell us what idea you want to share.’ Then the meetings end with the conclusion, ‘You need to think for yourself.’

    I doubt myself, my understanding of brainstorming, my job, my working style, and so on.

    She is not my direct boss, but she always behaves as if she were. Somehow, most people think she is now.

  4. I get a call from the Mrs. asking about a possible face something or other from this clinic she just started going to. They offered her ¥300,000 for this package deal to help with her bags under her eyes and other parts of her face which was normally priced at ¥600,000. I said that sounds like a good deal but how much time today let you think about it. She said that she had to make an answer right then and there. I told her that was sales-kusai!!! And to reject the offer and just get her normal facial massage. She thanked me later and I appreciated her consulting me on the matter before spending that kind of money

  5. Aeon discontinued the dark chocolate Top Valu Alfort knockoffs they had. I guess that’s one less source of sugar for me…

  6. Work just sucks these days. I have way too much on my plate and it’s really stressing me out. Thankfully my family is very supportive and understanding, which helps a ton.

  7. Poor queuing etiquette has been getting right on my tits lately. On my JR line, so many people ignore the queue when the train comes and just push past people to race to a seat.

    I don’t like to sit down on my commute, but I see some right ruthless pricks barreling through old people and kids just to snag a seat. Proper boils my piss.

    There’s a person on my commute who insists on queuing in the ‘outside’ lane for the train doors, while I queue on the ‘inside’ lane next to her. When the train comes, despite her being in the wrong lane she pushes past me (or whoever else) to make sure she gets on the train first.

  8. Tried to send a surprise birthday card to a south Pacific island. After a rousing attempt by several staff members, they concluded that the only way was by boat…and it could take up to 6 months to never to arrive. There goes my surprise.

  9. Broken phone shenanigans:

    – the only repair store in my area not doing anything but battery replacement and memory recovery

    – calling the repair store in Ueno asking if they could repair it and they were like ‘we don’t know until you show us the phone in person’ despite me telling them exactly what was wrong with it (usb port) and my phone model (Ulefone Armor 9e)

    – going to the store in Ueno by shinkansen because it was a weekday afternoon

    – coming back from the store in Ueno by shinkansen because it was a weekday afternoon with an unrepaired phone, because they didn’t have the parts…

    – going to the second hand store and the only sim free phones they had were iPhones (not ideal for my budget) and this newer Samsung (way out of my budget)

    – getting the iPhone and then realizing I need to shell out more money to buy a lightning cable

    – I am completely fucking broke now. I still barely have enough to pay tuition but that’s it.

    At least I got to eat kebabs in Ueno, they were really great

  10. Leaving soon, can’t find anyone to be a tax rep. Hiring one is pain since every website looks sketch as hell. I’m so sick of this stupid bureaucracy just because these people can’t do international transactions.

  11. Not really a complaint, but wife was saying I swear too much.

    *Starts watching “Clarkson’s Farm,” when Jeremy Clarkson’s partner, Lisa Hogan, says to him “For fuck’s sake, what the fuck do you think you are fucking doing?”*

    Perfect timing. Thank you Jeremy and Lisa, I look forward to the next chapter of your thought provoking television series.

  12. Guy in my neighborhood is pouring water out of his window onto people walking on the path below. There’s also a big collection of cigarette butts on the ground outside his window. I yelled at him when the water hit me and I saw him run away from his window, he didn’t say a word. I walked to the front of the building and there are notices up from building management about this issue exactly. Time to send in my complaint too. I suppose I could technically call the police but I’m not sure how that would end, I don’t want my name associated with anything happening there. He leaves his window open and I am SO tempted to throw something in there.

    A good amount of this neighborhood is new and developed but the other part of it is a typical run-down Showa dump, and the people living there aren’t exactly the most 民度高い classy folk around. Every day there are old people shuffling out of that block to smoke in the park clearly labeled as non-smoking, and leaving their shitty chu-hai cans and cigarette butts everywhere, among plenty of other things.

  13. Everything is a fucking catch-22. Every problem I want to solve or need to solve is blocked by one or more other insurmountable problems that get in the way, except most of them have no solution, meaning I can’t do jack shit.

    Also no support from anyone on anything.

  14. Started a new job a few months ago, no real warning signs during interviews and signing… but oh dear did I make a mistake.

    Line manager was a good guy but got sidelined and then sacked a few weeks ago because the Chief Architect didn’t like him. Said architect has a god-complex and is now back “managing the team” which means micromanaging everybody.

    He makes no mistakes, and is never wrong, and when you ask him resources or answers, he just dodges the question and berates you. Nothing in the shitty infrastructure can be modernized, last time some firewalls had firmware updates was 2011 and yeah I did immediately check vulnerabilities that’s in those fimwares. Six 9.9’s. Oh god.

    I guess it’s back to job hunting…

  15. I know Japan’s maternity leave and childcare subsidies are decent, but it’s annoying that so many cities require you to go back to work in April if you want childcare. My baby was born in July, so that’s a solid 3 months off of my leave. But I can’t just refuse and end up with no childcare in July, either.

    Yes, yes, I know “In America, you get nothing!” Well, I’m not in America, so just let me complain about my situation without being reminded of some shithole country.

  16. This stuff annoys me.
    Young people with a tattoo for example can’t take a swim for fair of annoying someone.
    Same for skateboarding at a local sports park(banned) but burning stubble on a rice field sending smoke into the air and stinking up the neighborhood is no cause for action

  17. https://preview.redd.it/s4mn2y89t8zb1.jpeg?width=2376&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f72156c98396c61274840d5861409edcbd1fbbfc

    I live across the street from a leo palace and I’m super fucking tired of this crap. The door to the place where everybody throws their trash at is broken and they keep repairing it by using tape. The tape eventually breaks down and the door falls apart. Then birds and other animals get to it and their is trash all over the street which usually takes them a few days to clean up. This has been going on for over two years. Cheap fucks

  18. I ordered an item on Sunday. Today the status changed to “preparing for shipping” like damn, the last 4 days were just nothing?

  19. The Shinjuku city office is dog shit. Mostly because it’s split in 3 different areas. The main part is in Kabukicho (which is already awful so minus 1 extra point) then the annex next to Golden Gai then the second annex in Takadanobaba.

    The annexs aren’t needed if everything was condensed into one building like all the other normal city offices.

    It’s a massive pain in the ass to go there everytime if I have multiple different things to take care of there. I hate it and am moving out of Shinjuku soon thank God.

    Again, the Shinjuku city off sucks.

  20. It seems I’ve taken a liking to a certain type of snack called “dry sausage” in English. カルパス in Japanese from the Russian Kolbasa

    Like, mate. “Dry sausage”? Really?

    It’s so humiliating. Why the hell did they have to name it that? Why do I, a cute girl, have to admit I enjoy a dry sausage?? 🙁

    My boyfriend won’t stop taking the piss and making jokes – even though he’s more than partial to a bit of dry sausage himself!! Fucking hypocrite lmfaooo

  21. Trying to book a flight back home for Christmas and every booking app I’ve downloaded doesn’t give me the right days or times and the prices that are posted are either not right or gone right away when I click on an flight itinerary. It’s just a headache I hate booking long fights

  22. it’s too fucking bright in the afternoon at work. I can’t see a damned thing because these thin rags for curtains are practically non-existent.
    people are always saying “oh blue eyes, wow I’m jealous”
    but trust me! you don’t want light eyes!

  23. Why is my credit card bill so high?! *looks* Ah, right; went to America and got enyasu’d

  24. FFS, sagawa guy, stop putting old delivery slips into my mailbox.

    If they’ve been delivered just toss the delivery notice.

  25. After years of hating every single cyclist in Japan I’ve decided to make a ranking of the worst to best cycling archetypes. Don’t mind me as I scream into the wind.

    **5. The 90-degree elbow elderly person**

    Their back is hunched over. Their jaw is pointed out. Their elbows are bent 90 degrees. They ride extremely slowly, only in a perfectly straight line. God help you should you enter the space in front of their bicycle because they will not be able to avoid you. They would be ranked higher on this list, but since their maximum speed seems to be slower than a brisk walk, the odds of them causing serious injury are low.

    **4. The young male otaku**

    You can see this cyclist regularly, but only for a very short time, as he will generally fly past you at the speed of sound. I like to imagine that he’s in a rush to get home after school or work to watch his favorite anime. Luckily, they generally ride in the street, but when they ride on the sidewalk they are a huge liability.

    **3. The middle-aged man**

    こら。チャリンチャリン。どけろ。俺様が通るから。If you ever have the misfortune of getting in his path, fuck you. Why? He owns the sidewalk. Despite the fact that the word 歩道 distinctly means WALKING STREET, he doesn’t give a shit. He refuses to get out of anyone’s way because he, a middle-aged Japanese man, can do whatever the fuck he wants.

    More people need to be punched in the mouth when they’re young.

    **2. The JK**

    Earphone status: in. Music volume: maximum. Bicycle status: ready. Situational awareness: 0. There’s a certain aura of cluelessness in her bicycle riding, where she’ll fly around a blind corner widely and simply expect nobody to be there. If she does cause an accident, she’ll just continue going about her business because why should she stop? What’s felony hit and run anyway? If she didn’t hear your screaming in pain because of a shattered femur because her music is too loud, did they really happen?

    **1. The mom on the e-bike**

    The worst time to ride a bicycle in Japan is between 8:45 and 9:15, and 14:00 and 15:00. Why? Moms on e-bikes.

    They are the bane of my existence. The situational awareness of the JK, the speed of the otaku, and the reflexes of the elbows-at-90-degrees elderly person. She will weave in and out and between people with her child on the back of her bicycle, making me wonder if she wants to get into an accident so she can sleep in past 7am again. They also seem to get exponentially worse with the number of kids on the bicycle as well. 1? Bad enough. *2*? Public safety threat. 3? One on the front, one on the back, one strapped to her chest? God help us all.

  26. How the hell do people manage the gym between work, sleep and hobbies? Sure I physically feel good after a workout but mentally I still need to decompress, but guess what? There’s no time to mentally decompress because I spent that time in the gym!

  27. Recipes for chicken soup and stew have at least 4 stalks of celery.
    All the supermarkets near me stock no celery or individually wrapped stalks for about ¥150 each.
    I either can check the discount shelf and sometimes they wrap a few ‘old’ ones together for ¥100. Or put a sad amount of celery in my soup, or I give up and try to think of something else to cook.
    Feels ridiculous to just buy one stalk!

  28. I’ve tried to help my plantar fasciitis/sciatica flare ups by getting back into the kinds of stretching I was in the habit of doing while in recovery for it the first time (last year – hoped it was alllll behind me!). All was peachy keen until I suddenly decided to try the pigeon pose again yesterday after a year of not. Now my feet, hip, AND lower back muscles are hurting. Scratch that – my lower back muscles feel like they’re on fire to the point where I can barely stand up straight, and it’ll probably be this way another 2-3 days….big dummy.

  29. 😡 I have to give the benefit of doubt to the station staff who was borderline shouting at me.

    He kept on refering me to the 忘れ物 Center and I was insisting that I didn’t forget my IC card, it was stolen. I wanted it treated like a missing ATM card but before I could say he’s going on again about this wasuremono. Unfortunately for my ego, fortunately for his, my IC card did got surrendered as wasuremono.

    I supposed I should be looking on the bright side of life but I’m still mad that something got stolen from me. I have every reason to think it got taken and skillfully so that I feel gaslit by the universe.

    I really should be thankful that it’s my 定期券 that got taken because I highly doubt that my ordinary IC card will be surrendered. However, money is tight and having to pay to get my card back infuriates me again.

  30. The gutting feeling of applying for a job your qualified for knowing it’ll go straight in the bin. Also general why does everyone have their own specific form! Is it too much to ask for one simple one. You all want the same stuff from me why does it matter if you have date before the publication?

  31. Failed my learner’s permit practical exam 🥲

    Not complaining though, I was at fault and need to improve some stuff. There’s always next time!

  32. (Opinion Alert!!!*)Everyone seems to have those “The 定番 curly brown poodle dogs” and yikes man they look like someone stapled shitty 80’s carpet to a baby lamb

    Non-bigoted portion of the complaint: Individuals with those dogs not aware of their surroundings staring at there phones making me play jump rope with their leash, along with not picking up after them

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