They denied me opening a bank account?

So, yesterday was my day off from work (I’m a full time employee) and, since i don’t have a Japanese credit card yet i decided to open a bank account in the resona bank (my gf recommended me that specific bank)

When I entered the bank a woman approached me to ask me what i was looking for, i told her that i wanted to open a bank account.

She told me what was the purpose of opening it and how long have i been in japan

I told her that I’ve been here for 4 years and that i want to open it to save money and get a credit card.

She asked me for previous residence cards as proof, i only had my most recent one with me at the moment.

She politely told me that wasn’t reason enough to open a bank account and that the bank was very strict on who to open a bank account to.

It sounded like bullshit to me but i wasn’t going to argue with her. So i thanked her and left.

My point is. Is this normal? Should i try again in another resona bank? Or another bank entirely?

  1. Did you try signing up online? They’ve got a very simple online procedure set up to let you sign up.

    Additionally they have some rather peculiar guidance for why to open an account – perhaps read this if you decide to venture out in person again instead of just signing up online.

    As you can see they strongly discourage a mix and match strategy – so daily living expenses and savings are “different” and they suggest you should keep different accounts with different banks (either regional, national, or online depending on the services you want) for the different purposes. Perhaps pick one (I want to save money or I want to use it to deposit my salary to manage my personal expenses) and only 1 for when asked “why do you want to open an account?”

  2. How times have changed. Back in 1998 I just walked into a bank after less than a week in the country and opened an account.

  3. Resona is trash, Mizuho bank tier.

    SMBC lets you open an account online, way better service.

  4. You didn’t mention your nationality but that pays a part. For example the US is so ridiculous with its laws about ex pats, banks are very nervous to let Americans open extra accounts as essentially they can be held liable
    For any funny business.

  5. Banks in general are annoying to open account in. Especially for me as an American I have to do extra paperwork. As others mentioned just do it online. And consider an “easier” bank like rakuten, sony etc.

    I used to recommend shinsei but they look like they’re in a lot of economic trouble right now and they dont have a credit card.

  6. It’s normal. They don’t have a way to confirm that you are indeed over 6 months living in Japan if you’re using your recent resident card. What you do is go back with your previous resident cards or soft copies should be fine.

    Happened to me on SMBC and they made me come back since my recent resident card was < 6 months from date of issue.

  7. I had this exact same struggle with Resona. truly awful. If you can, i suggest another bank. My SMBC account was super simple to open and very easy to set up a credit card as well. Al done online as well so i didn’t need to make a special trip on a day off.

    Unfortunately for me, my company only would do direct deposit to Resona accounts, and it took me 5 days worth of paid leave and struggle spread out over months to finally get an account despite me living in japan for 6 years at that point and my employer saying i have been there that long. They wouldn’t budge until i got my new residence card with a 3 year visa on it (was previously a 1 year with 7 months left). Honestly horrible..

  8. I think you missed some information, how long is your VISA duration if it is a 1 year VISA and you cannot show your prior residence card that could be the reason. My friend also got the same treatment but instead of just saying thank you she asked if she could return with the prior residence card. And upon return she was able to open up.

  9. Try Japan Post? They’re usually quite foreigner friendly. I opened my bank account with them literally the first day of me being in Japan.

  10. By rules you need to be in Japan for over 6months to be eligible

    If your new residence card is less than 6month then it’s normal that you have been denied if you can’t prove that you have been in Japan for over 6months

  11. I like Sony bank. Did everything online and very smooth process.
    I got my CC from Rakuten, Saison Amex and Amazon.

  12. Yucho does not really turn anyone away.

    Get started with Yucho, then set up another account if you need one.

  13. next time say that the account is for your salary , and you will have a new a account… also they say if you are interested in their credit card and can get one too!

  14. Had the same experience after being here for years– denied by every bank in town. As others are saying, I wonder if it has something to do with being American and/or not having one for years and getting by. Went with a mostly online bank, begrudgingly.

  15. In Japan, many banks – especially local/regional banks – behave like they are doing you a favor by letting them use their services. And it’s not just vs. foreigners.

    Fortunately, attitudes vary enormously from bank to bank, and even branch to branch. My advice is to shop around until you find a place with a more welcoming environment.

    Another thing is to bring a native Japanese speaker along, preferably one in an authority position, to help smooth things over for the first meeting. It’s just helpful to have someone around who is able to provide fluent explanations and assurances, etc.

  16. Your post implies you don’t know why it happened, but you do. She explained it to you, go back with your old residence cards if you really want to, if you think the reasoning is bullshit, don’t use that bank?

  17. Maybe try a juminhyo? Idk, I managed to open an account within a week after arriving, with MUFJ. I was being requested to provide my company and the phone number, which I think they actually called to confirm my zaiseki. I think the zaiseki is important if you want a credit card.

    I wasn’t able to get a credit card until months later though, which is normal.

  18. You can try Sony bank and Rakuten bank. Both can be done online with ease and you can get your card under 3 weeks once approved. Been using them for more than 3 years now. No major issues. Also they have somewhat decent English customer service in case of emergency/stolen/lost card.

  19. Yep. Have gotten turned away from opening an account at a bank for not being Japanese.

    Edit: a word

  20. Never heard of someone getting rejected from making a bank account. I have been rejected plenty of times trying to get a credit card though. That’s something a lot harder to get.

  21. Yes, this is quite common. Even Japanese citizens face difficulty in opening a bank account easily. They need a very valid reason to open an account at any bank.

    Ten years ago, it was easier to do so. You could simply visit a bank in your area and mention that it’s for saving purposes, and they would open an account for you.

    Nowadays, even at the nearest bank branch, they often refuse to let you open a bank account.

  22. About 10 years ago I had the same thing happen with SMBC.
    They hd the security guard come speak to me and he told me I wasnt allowed to make an account.
    I called SMBC who told me that shouldnt have happened…
    Made the account but was declined a card. I called to find out why and that was the weirdest call ever.
    They cant tell you why you dont get one, I asked for scenarios but nada. Just sat there in a weird silence for 5 minutes while she waited for me to understand how ridiculous Japan is sometimes.

    Now I still use that account. I dont have a credit card, but a debit card with a proper VISA number that makes things pretty simple.

  23. Also you can consider Sony bank, it is totally online and was painless for me to open mine.

  24. Try MUFG. The process for me was easy and much better than Shinsei or other banks I went to open an account with. MUFG works with SMBC ATMs as well. Worse case, go with Sony Bank. It’s all online and you can have multiple currencies.

  25. Been through this when first arriving to japan. Ended up having to pay someone to come with me to help get the account opened up

  26. SMBC Prestia has full English support, online banking, and opening an account can be done online. They do not even care if you have been in Japan for 6 months or longer.

  27. So, you’re telling me you’ve been in Japan for 4 whole years and you don’t have a bank account? Kind of hard to believe, honestly.

  28. just don’t try MUFJ. They will get you to fill in all the forms and then tell you right to your face that your Japanese isn’t good enough to understand the contract so but they will absolutely waste half your day!

  29. You could try the same bank on another day or online. If that fails, another bank. I don’t think tellers even know their rules properly.

    I needed to open an account at a specific bank for university tuition and told me no even though I’m Japanese. They said I need a foreign national card and turned me away. I went back the next day and brought my passport just in case. Another teller opened one up for me right away 🙄

  30. MUFG is my go to, walked in, did the tablet sign up, got an account and debit card with 0 hassle.

    I also have a BoY account, but it took me an hour of arguing w/the help of my Japanese language teacher for the staff to finally capitulate.

    I really feel like the banks are much like immigration, it really depends on who you get to talk with when you go in.

  31. I once took my friend to the bank to help him open an account at the same company I am a member. Kyoto Bank.

    This lady straight up looked me in the eyes and said because he can’t speak Japanese he’s unable to understand the terms and conditions so he cannot open an account.

    I said well I’ll translate them for him.

    She literally said to me that unfortunately he has to be able to understand everything on his own.

    They come up with a craziest f****** reasons

  32. You could go back to the exact same branch tomorrow and get someone else and they’d sign you up….the Japanese bank system is absolutely fukn garbage. About 25 years behind everywhere else.

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