Accepted but

I’m making rn in the us what I would make through interac, and I’m actually up for a promotion & raise. So I’ve been thinking “what’s the point” how do I go about rescinding my acceptance. I’m scheduled out in March 2024, I assume it’s not too late, since I don’t have a visa or anything yet. What do I do help please.

  1. If you’re not committed already or doubting it then best to cancel. Teaching in japan isn’t about getting rich nor can you from it. Its more about the experience, no harm in trying again when ready at a later date. Best luck to you!

  2. “Dear Interac. Thank you for the job offer. Unfortunately, I just received a new opportunity at my job in (country) and thus will not be available to work at Interac 2024 and must rescind my application. Thank you for your understanding”

  3. According to Reddit all ALTs and the like are a dime a dozen and the companies don’t care about you so I wouldn’t sweat it

  4. I wouldn’t rescind the offer yet. Who knows what might happen in the next 6 months! You might get fired from your job for example.

    When they start asking for passports etc is the time to rescind the offer. Interac have no idea how many positions they will have to offer in March 2024 so don’t even worry about it.

  5. Don’t worry about it. They don’t deserve to know if you cancel. Just don’t go, just ignore them from this point on. They don’t care about employees as I ‘ve seen with many friends. So don’t give them the time of day anymore if you’re not thinking of going.

  6. “The point” in teaching English in Japan should never have been about the money at any rate.

    As to “what do I do”… tell them you don’t want to go. You’re an adult, right?

  7. I literally made more money pumping gas than I do working for a certain dispatch company… and this job requires a degree. My students and the adventure makes it better, but maybe not for much longer. I do want to make a family someday.

  8. Bro they’re not gonna send armed men to drag you away. Just tell them you’re not interested anymore.

  9. Trust me, you are not obligated to do anything. It’s mainly up to your own personal integrity. But I have a family full of RN’s, CRNA’s, etc…, it’s a great and fulfilling field to be in.

  10. Dunno what ‘RN’ is but it sounds like you’re gonna abandon your plan to ‘teach in Japan’ because you might the some sorta raise/promotion.

    My only advice on things to consider…

    – I know lotsa people who reach their mid-30’s having been in ‘career jobs’ since the age of ~20 who wish they’d done a ‘gap year’ style job (teaching in Japan or similar) before pursuing the golden handcuffs. You may not get a chance to do this later on once you’re established…etc. Are you comfortable with this?

    – What kinda raise/promotion are we talking about? You don’t have to tell me but that will play out. Like is this an awesome career and you’d be stupid to leave or were you planning to go to Japan because it’s a shit job with no future and you wanna take some time out to work out what comes next?

    – Would leave without pay be an option? If it’s a serious enough job then I’d be thinking they probably have a mechanism to put your job on hold for 6-12 months while you go off and teach in Japan.

    – If you still wanna do it then why Interac? IMO if you’ve got a career then you should be competitive for JET. Is Interac worth it? (IMO their pay is below what people should accept… just an opinion but I think their pay is too low to bother with).

  11. Just send them an email saying you aren’t interested anymore. It’s Interac, you’ve already exceeded their expectations by communicating anything at all.

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